15- She Rescued Me

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•Holding Out For A Hero By Ella Mae Bowen•


"You're staying with her?!" I grimaced at Casey's loud tone of voice and grabbed her arm, glancing around to make sure we were alone before pulling her over into a shaded corner.

She crossed her arms and tapped her foot. "Well? Spill." I sighed and ran a hand through my hair in aggravation. I'd been back at school for one damn day and I'd already spilled the beans.

The doctor released Charlotte last week, and I took another week off to settle into Evelyn's and take care of her. It'd been stressful, but it was worth it. I didn't know how much longer it was going to last, but I hoped it was a while.

Evelyn gave me security. Ever since I "moved in" she's been nothing but loving and caring with Charlotte and me. I knew it must've been hard, I mean she went from being a single woman to living with a house of three in two weeks, if that doesn't take a toll on a person, then I want some of what they're taking.

Charlotte still wasn't at school yet, I wanted to wait a bit longer just to make sure. Evelyn stayed home today to watch her, which I protested furiously on but she didn't listen to me. "Yes, I'm staying with her."

Casey raised a brow at me as if to say "go on" I huffed and looked at the ceiling. "Charlotte fell off the monkey bars and had to have brain surgery."

Casey gasped and pulled me into a hug. I stiffly hugged her back, not quite uncomfortable but not comfortable either. She pulled back for a moment, her eyes were soft with concern.

"Is she okay? Why didn't you tell me?" She demanded, in a slightly hurt tone.

I sighed again and looked at her. "She's going to be okay. I didn't tell you because I didn't think about it." I admitted honestly. "I'm not used to having.....friends."

Her eyes softened as she smiled. "Well get used to it." She linked her arm through mine and we reluctantly joined the flow of traffic. She leaned over and spoke into my ear. "So, you really do like her?"

My face bloomed bright red and she laughed. "Damn, you've got it bad." I rolled my eyes and shoved her playfully. "Oh shut up."

"Does she like you back?" I avoided her gaze and she pulled me to a stop and gasped. "Wait.....are you guys, seeing each other?!"

I blushed guiltily and bit my lip to fight back the grin. "Maybe?" She smacked my arm again and I pouted, rubbing the sore spot. "Hey, that hurt!" She growled and rolled her eyes. "Oh shut up. So how long has this been going on?"

"A week." I mumbled under my breath. Okay maybe I bent the truth a little, but whatever.

Her eyes widened. "Wow okay. So what's she like? I mean she's got to have a heart beneath the layer of bitch." I narrowed my eyes and she put her hands up in a "don't shoot" gesture. "Oh come on, you can't say you didn't think it when you first met her." She accused.

She did have a point. Evelyn wasn't exactly the warmest of people, but I knew it wasn't for lack of trying. I had a feeling she just didn't know how to be "warm" to someone. I had a feeling that she didn't exactly have a very nice start at life. But once you recognized the passion she had for life, you basically had a straight shot at the wonderful, beautiful soul beneath her layered heart.

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