18- Breathing In

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Amnesia By 5 Seconds Of Summer•


His grimy hand covered my mouth and my screams as he ripped off my pants, exposing my underwear. Blood filled my mouth and his screams filled my ears.

"You fucking bitch!" He yelled, cradling his bleeding hand to his chest. I had hoped this would deter him from his quest, but fate appeared to not be on my side as I watched a slow smile spread across his face.

"So, you like it rough? Do you?"

Dread filled my face as his hand clamped down on my throat before I could scream. "Then baby, I'll show you rough." He hissed into my face.

I tried to bite him again but he just slapped me so hard I saw stars. Before I knew it he'd ripped my underwear off and was fumbling with his belt.

My eyes rolled back into my head when I felt him slam into me. Stinging, burning pain filled me with each thrust of his hips against mine. I didn't know how much more of this I could take. Tears streamed down my face and I knew I was about to black out.

Before my torture could end mercifully, he pulled out and spit in my face. "Ugly bitch aren't you? But you're a pretty good lay." He growled and released my neck as he pulled up his pants.

His back was to me and that's when I caught a flash of the pocket knife in his back pocket. It was actually pretty large, and it didn't take much thought for me to reach over and grab it.

He yelled in surprise and spun around to find me sitting up on the mattress, buck-ass naked, and playing with his knife. I made no move to cover myself as I didn't really care anymore. He'd already seen and destroyed every part of me.

I'd be dead after this anyways. His eyes widened before a cocky smirk covered the fear. "Come on princess, don't do anything stupid now." He cooed, reaching towards me.

My mind flash-backed to one of the times he'd swung to hit me and when I came out of it my hand was slippery and a dark red fluid was pouring over it from a gaping hole in his neck. His eyes were burning right into mine and the clear pain, terror, and hate was so profound I could nearly taste it.

And then I snapped.


I jerked awake with a gasp, choking on a scream and twisting legs that were trapped in bed sheets. My vision swam and I blinked rapidly to clear it. A white ceiling and light blue walls came into view and I frowned. Where am I?

"Oh good, you're awake." A relieved voice sounded from the side. I turned my head and was faced with short blond hair with blue tips. I couldn't stop myself from raising a brow. She laughed. "Oh it's the hair isn't it? What? Can't a surgeon have blue hair?"

I choked out a laugh that, with my parched mouth, just turned into choking and the woman guided a glass of water to my lips. I drank it down greedily, and she set it on the table when I was done.

"Thanks." I murmured.

She smiled, exposing a row of white teeth. "No problem." She flipped through a few papers before settling her blue gaze on me again. "Ms. O'Brian, what's the last thing you remember?"

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