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Twenty Six

"Charlotte! Slow down!" I huffed as I tried miserably to catch up with my crazy five year old as she tore down the hallway of the hospital. I cursed and grumbled under my breath as I fought with the IV pole, the tube having wrapped around my arm. I was distracted by Char's excited squeal. Jerking my head up, I caught sight of the stunning brunette as she swerved and grabbed my daughter, lifting her up in the air and spinning her around. Evelyn's long hair waved in the breeze she created, and a smile lit up the contours of her face. She looked ethereal, her silver eyes sparkling in the light of the day. Her laughter soothed all my worries and made me forget my pain.

I hobbled down the hallway towards them, following the sounds of my daughter's shrieking. Evelyn set her down as I neared and leveled me with a look that could bring mountains down. I tipped my head and offered her a sheepish smile. Dr. Daniels hadn't yet cleared me to be up and walking, but I was tired of sitting in one place for so long. My body needed to move. My scary-as-hell girlfriend placed her hands on her hips and stared at me. Since she obviously was trying to intimidate me, I decided to make the best of it.

My eyes started at the top of her head, following the loose curls of her deep chestnut brown hair, to the soft yet brutally hard planes of her face, following every contour and perfectly sculpted bone. I continued down to her shoulders, draped in a gray and black plaid shirt with the middle left unbuttoned. Underneath she wore a black tank that rose a little above her navel, exposing a strip of tanned skin. Her long legs were hidden underneath black skinny jeans with various rips dotting the outsides. To finish off the look, she adorned a pair of black and white converse.

She looked years younger than she was, yet impossibly wiser.

She was a goddess.

Tears pricked my eyes as we locked gazes. She read me inside and out, and I let her. Because I loved her, and there was no one else in this world that I would rather give my heart and soul to.

"You," she drawled as she sidled closer. "are not supposed to be out of bed."

My head tilted back as she came to stand in front of me, crossing her arms and looking me up and down. My body bloomed with heat. I could only imagine what I looked like right now. A dirty homeless girl with a birds nest for hair and scars littering her body. But Evelyn did not look at me as if she was tired of what she was seeing. Every time she looked at me, it was as if she was seeing me for the first time.

Her hands framed my face, sliding down to rest at the top of my neck as she pulled our foreheads together. Her lashes dusted her cheekbones as she watched me. I knew she'd read my thoughts through my facial expressions. "You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."

The tears broke free and fled down my cheeks. Evelyn made a pained sound as she brushed them away. "Il mio cuore, why are you crying?" She pressed her lips gently to my forehead, speaking against my skin.

"Because you are everything I've ever wanted and something I'd never thought I'd get."

She pulled back so I could witness the awe that spread across her face. "You are preciously mature for your age, my love. You deserve every bit of our love and I will spend lifetimes trying to prove that to you."

Unable to stand it any longer, I pulled our faces together and connected our mouths. Evelyn breathed a low groan as I tilted my head back, allowing her better access. She pulled my bottom lip gently in her mouth and sucked lightly. Pleasure bloomed through me as I wound my fingers into the soft fabric of her tank. She pushed me gently back and I flinched as my side made contact with the metal railing that ran down the hallway.

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