81 | "Witch boxes"

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I have no fucking idea what these are, but they sound cool.

Aries: A carved wooden wand, balls of sheep wool, a dagger, a vial of burned ashes, a ram's horn, cinnamon incense.

Taurus: Pressed flowers, a satchel of dried lavender, a roll of meadow grass, a vial of honey, a 4-leaf clover.

Gemini: Tiny bottles of fairy dust, tarot cards, a sparkling geode, dead butterflies, vanilla incense.

Cancer: A crystal ball, a string of pearls, moon charts, crab shells, a vial of tears, a dream catcher.

Leo: A jeweled goblet, tapered candles, myrrh, balls of shed animal fur, sunflower seeds, a miniature sun dial.

Virgo: Rolls of parchment with wax seals, a quill, a vial of fertile earth, musk, a miniature cauldron, tree roots.

Libra: Feathers, speckled egg shells, loose tea leaves, two tealight candles, dandelion seeds, a guide to angels.

Scorpio: Amber insects, mushrooms, small animal skulls, handsewn spiderwebs, a vial of thorns, a silver pentagram.

Sagittarius: Tree bark, an antler, pine cones, a jar of dried berries, moss, pressed dead leaves, acorns.

Capricorn: A satchel of wooden runes, fossils, a pocket watch, a vial of tree sap, conkers, a tiny cactus.

Aquarius: Crystal prisms, vials of rainwater, a wooden flute, river-cleansed stones, an antique hand mirror.

Pisces: Driftwood, seashells, fish bones, pieces of coral, a vial of beach sand, dried starfish, a pet marimo.

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