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Hiya, Elise!!!!!

Wow, TOTES CRAY-CRAY with the Igor & Simone action!!!! I can't help but think that adding a FOR-REALS LOVE TRIANGLE into our mix, we'll be on the ROAD TO UNSTOPPABLE!!! (Sorry, but ALL GREAT FICTION practically REQUIRES a love triangle, so really, our matches have HELPFULLY added one into the mix!)

Not sure that I'd be so eager to take Igor up on his offer, though -- Simone probably wants to think that one through CAREFULLY!!!! And, OH, poor Ron!!!! At least you have him lined up for YOGADATE and (we're hoping) a pencilled-in attraction for Kate... I think she could use a ROMANTIC connection (although I did get the impression from she and her "friend" Chuck during the boot camp date that she's not exactly hurting for purely PHYSICAL connections) so I hope that it does work out for them...

Brianna sounds... interesting... I think... I vaguely remember hearing about all that last year (the Hubster pays more attention to WORLD EVENTS than I do), and thinking that no matter HOW AWESOME, no guy was going to LURE ME INTO the wild of that part of the world!!! Wonder how her tastes in men trend (rather badly, based on her past -- publicized -- history! I betcha that Dixie knows a thing or two about picking the wrong men! (I heard some of her TRAGIC BACKSTORY over the course of FANDATE and recognized that she probably is at the mercy of a BROKEN PICKER which is why she has made so many poor choices in MEN))

Hmmm, do we have time to set her up with someone and see how the sparks fly before MEGADATE? Or will she have to go into it as YET ANOTHER BLACK HOLE OF UNPREDICTABILITY like ZELDA. (Have you heard anything else from Zelda recently?)

Well, onward and upward!!!

So, first the good news -- I went to the DOC yesterday and I am CLEARED TO DITCH THE CRUTCHES!!!! Still no running allowed (Sad!) but at least I can AMBULATE UNDER MY OWN POWER from now on. I mentioned the couple of times that the feet have been aching and he told me that was "totally normal and expected while you recover from this kind of repetitive injury". Basically I just have to be PATIENT and WAIT for my feet to heal the rest of the way before attempting anything TOO HIGH-IMPACT. So spin, rowing, pool-running, and MAYBE a LITTLE gentle walking will be the way that it has to be for a while. Bummer!

Good news, though, because I was starting to worry about how I was going to navigate ALL THE DATES during MEGADATE. Even SWINGDATE was likely to be TROUBLESOME if I was carrying around crutches, too.

OK, so -- the festivities start later today. First order of business will be picking up Tiffany from the airport SOON. We have to see what shape she's in and adjust accordingly!!! (I've been ON HER about taking her MEDS and she tells me that she's all on the UP AND UP, but I have to SEE IT FOR MYSELF to be sure. (Also had a few concerned calls from her aunt about HOW TO DEAL with Tiffany and it has OPENED MY EYES a bit about how to deal with her. She was happy, though, to hear that this is basically a STRAIGHTEDGE EVENT and that there won't be any alcohol, smoking, drugs, or WHAT HAVE YOU in a WIDE VICINITY OF THE ACTION. (Probably not technically true... I know something about rebellious twenty-somethings and would not PUT IT PAST some of them to SNEAK IN A FLASK here or there... but on the whole the SWING-DANCING COMMUNITY is pretty low-key about that kind of stuff.)))

I'm staying with my BFF who's given me the RUN OF THE HOUSE (they had to go out of town for a family reunion this weekend), so I'm going to PLAY IT BY EAR about whether or not to pull Tiffany into a quieter, family environment instead of a hotel overnight. We'll see!!

Toby (excuse me -- SPIKE -- as he keeps reminding me when I call him) still obstinately REFUSES to wear LONG PANTS and at this point I'm over trying to convince him. I did point out that the forecast involved ICE and SNOW and that he was likely to be VERY UNCOMFORTABLE, but he swore up and down that "having my knees imprisoned would make me a thousand time MORE uncomfortable". He said he'd bow to the forces of nature enough, though, to wear SOCKS. Grrr.

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