
433 10 1

October 4th

Normally, i dont usually want to meet up again with women whom i just met. But Kim Hyo Rin was an excpetion. You see, she was the .ain reason why i started to right a journal which i hate to do. But upon meeting her since the last two days, i had to write everything down. Believe it or not, i reread my own journal and laughed at my encounter with her. Every second i spent my time with her, there were always something unexpected things she said. Like the dinner last night, it was difficult for me to keep a straight face and not to laugh out loud.
This morning, i woke up early, and my house keeper was surprised to see me, and indeed, it was uncommon for me to wake up at 6.30 in the morning.
It was a chilly morning as i started my workout daily routine. Another person was surprised with my new wake up schedule was my P.A and he practically dropped all formalities while talking to me on the phone, unhappy with the early wake up call. He arrived about half an hour later and we spent the entire morning talking about the emergency meeting that they had yesterday and what kind of approach i should be taking in order to increase the sale. It was the manager i wasnt happy about and when i thought of it, i secretly hoped that Hyo Rin wont be having any trouble from the manager because of what she had just told me on my first visit there. Damn, how did ive forgotten all about it?
Around 10 a.m. i left the house and head straight to the hypermarket. I searched for Hyo Rin but she was nowhere to be found. Eh? Not another day off? But luckily, her colleagues told me that she was out at the store room at the back though at first they were reluctant to tell at first. So, i waited for her for about half an hour or so, she came along, and once again, holding a box. The surprised look on her face was comical when she saw me waiting for her.
"Hello, ajusshi," She greeted, sneering.
"Stop calling me ajusshi, lady," I told her,"I thought you werent around."
"Oh, you were looking for me? Why?"
"Nothing particular," i lied,"What time is your lunch break?"
"Oh, today i wont have any lunch break. I work only until 1.30," she told me and from the sound of it, there was something bothering her.
My cellphone rang and i had no choice but to excuse myself to answer the call, which happens to be a call from my lawyer, who insisted me coming over to the office straight away, to discuss about legal terms.
"Is it okay if i want to bring you out for lunch later?" I asked Hyo Rin and she nodded, though not her enthusiastic self. I was reluctant to leave but i had no choice.
The meeting with my lawyer took place at my office but the contents of the meeting i wont be writing them down in here just in case this journal falls into wrong hands. Not that i want that to happen though, since this journal, would be full with my meetings with Hyo Rin.
I left the office around 1p.m. and went straight back to the hypermarket. I waited for her at the café from across the road but she was nowhere to be seen, leaving the premise. Maybe she used the back door.
I got a surprised news from one of her colleagues, who told me that she just got fired. Fired? Fuck. Why? Apparently, the manager thought that she was the one had caused them to attend the emergency meeting and received a warning letter about misusing company's properties for personal gain.
I knew this would happened and when i asked where Hyo Rin is, her colleague told me that she left about an hour ago.
I went back to my car and sulked, at my own stupidity. For not asking for her phone number and for getting her fired. I could give her back her job but that would cause her more trouble. I drove along the busy road, and tried my best to spot her among passersby along the street but Hyo Rin was nowhere to be seen. My mood dropped lower than expected and i went straight home. Maybe i could ask for an investigation on her, just to find out where she lives but that would be a stupid thing to do. I spent most of my day in bed, writing in this journal. For the first time, in my whole life, im dreading to lose a friend whom i just met.

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