Thirty Four

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January 5th, afternoon.

I was greeted with a sneer and a chuckle the moment i groggily entered the kitchen. The woolen shawl was still loosely wrapped around my neck.
"You look like you havent slept at all!" Jin Hyuk's first comment when he saw me.
"What time issit?" I asked between my yawn.
"Almost noon," he replied, peering me through his glasses,"What did you do last night?"
"Uh-" i looked around the kitchen counter,"Do you happen to remember where did i put the painkillers yesterday?"
Jin Hyuk got up and when he passed by me, a little too close, and he took out a tube of painkillers and placed it in my hand,"You sleep with a shawl?"
"Oh- I forgot to take it off," i said absent mindedly.
"If you're planning to have some painkillers, i suggest you to eat some lunch first. You cant take it with an empty stomach," he said to me, gesturing me to sit down next to him by the prepping counter.
We ate our lunch quietly and i was feeling getting more uncomfortable and when i turned, Jin Hyuk was staring at me, looking slightly amused and confused at the same time.
"What?" I asked.
"Why do i have the feeling that you're hiding something?" He said, in his oh-so-casual and oh-its-nothing manner.
Heat rose up to my cheeks and i squirmed uncomfortably in my seat.
"What did you do?" He asked again, leaning a little closely,"Hyo Rin?"
I shook my head,"Nothing. Really."
Lying to him wasnt like lying to anybody else.
"Right," he said, leaning away from me, looking disappointed. He sighed heavily and after awhile, he said,"Im going out after this. Want to come along?"
"Where to?" I asked.
Jin Hyuk smiled,"You'll see."
We left the house half an hour later and i watched him drove into the city.
The next thing i knew, i was gripping tightly onto his arm and my knuckles were white.
We were standing among the crowd, waiting for our turn to enter the cable car.
"Afraid?" He sneered,"Relax. Nobody ever died."
"You know darn well im afraid of heights, and cable cars," i whispered frantically.
"Relax," he chuckled,"I told you, nobody ever died, nor fall to his death while riding a cable car. Not here, at least."
"Surprisingly, its not making me feel better," i snapped, reluctant to go in but Jin Hyuk placed his hand on my hips firmly and ushered me in. There were about 10-12 people, including us in it and as the door closed itself, i remembered closing my eyes shut and my palms were sweaty. The cable car began to move, gliding smoothly as it moved uphill towards Seoul Tower.
A soft whisper in ear, telling me to open my eyes and enjoy the view. I shook my head.
"Whats the point of riding in a cable car if you dont want to enjoy the view?" Jin Hyuk whispered in my ear.
The cable car gave a lurch, and i almost thrown out the lunch that i just had earlier on. Almost reluctantly, i opened my eyes and Jin Hyuk was beaming down at me. We were standing close to each other and still holding onto his arm i forced myself to look up in front of us.
Jin Hyuk was right. The view was magnificent and it was breathtakingly beautiful. All these while, i never thought that i could see almost the entire city in a cable car.
"See? Not so scary now eh?" He asked, loosening his grip but i tightened my grip slightly harder.
"Dont let go just yet," i said to him.
As much as i enjoyed the view, i was still afraid.
"Never," he said, pressing his lips against the side of my head.
My knees were wobbly as we both stepped out from the cable car and it took me about 5minutes to regain back my equilibrium.
Nauseous and dizzy from the sudden exposure to one of my greatest fear, Jin Hyuk remained by my side until i felt slightly better.
We walked around the lobby and Jin Hyuk on insisting of getting something warm to drink since he told me i still looked very pale after the cable car ride.
"I made a reservation, at the restaurant," he said, blushing,"For the two of us, tonight."
Blushing, he refused to make an eye contact and i knew him well enough to know that he was embarrassed at that moment.
I looked at him, and he frowned,"Well?"
"Jin Hyuk, what has gotten into you?" i asked, laughing,"You know i always like to go out for dinner with you. Jeez. You dont have to be so embarrass."
He whistled in relieved,"Thats a relieve."
We spent the entire afternoon at the tower and the Roof Terrace intrigued my interest somehow where they called it Locks of Love.
Astounded by thousands of locks and each lock i've seen were written in names of couples who came here.
I watched a few of visitors with their wrote their name on the lock and locked their lock of love on the fence of the terrace and i couldnt help it but to wonder how long it would last. The locks and the relationship.
What if they broke up? The memories of hanging the locks in place would be no longer a happy memory but a sad one if either one of them reminisce about it later in life.
"This, would remind them of the happy times," Jin Hyuk said to me, answering to my thoughts.
"Ouch," i said, trailing my fingers absent mindedly on the locks.
"Oh, not necessarily, Hyo Rin," Jin Hyuk said to me,"Sometimes, what happened in the past meant to teach us how to be stronger and better to embrace the present and live for the future. It may hurts, i agree on that but if you keep on holding to whats in the past, how are you going to move on? Whoever comes into your life, only a few will stay. And, i want to stay."
He fished out a baby blue lock with two sets of keys from his pocket and a black permanent marker pen.
"You can write your name on it," he gestured me to take it,"I wont look at it."
"You want me to write my name? With whom?" I asked.
He shrugged,"Um, maybe someone who you would think thats going to be with you for the rest of your life. Even though i honestly hope that you're going to write my name on it. But its your choice."
"So, its like taking a wedding vow except that this is a vow that is kept in a lock," i said to him,"What about you? Have you written on yours?"
"Hyo Rin, i dont need a lock hanging on a fence just to make sure that i'll love you for the rest of my life." He replied and wandered off, giving me some privacy.
I wrote my name on it and hesitated for a while.

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