Thirty Seven

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January 6th

I left the house with my mind whirring, buzzing, processing every single word Jin Hyuk had spoke to me earlier on.
Since i have decided to talk to my grandfather, i originally planned to go over to his place but it seems like my two legs had its own mind.
I ended up at the entrance of a 32 storey office building right in the middle of the city.
Staring blankly at the metal door handle until i was greeted by a familiar man.
Kim Jong Kook's pa greeted me politely with a bow.
"He's in the office at the moment," he added,"But im pretty sure he's leaving soon to see you."
"Really?" I asked.
He smiled,"I know him well enough."
Why am i here again?
"You can go up and see him, im sure he'll be delighted," he said again.
"And surprised," i added.
We bid each other goodbyes and i headed straight to the elevator.
It went straight up to the 21st floor and a receptionist greeted me.
"Is Mr. Kim Jong Kook in?" I asked.
Flabbergasted, she said yes and asked for my name and for what business im here to see him.
I almost scoffed when she asked me that.
"Just tell him that his ice skating partner is here to see him to collect rent fees," i lied smoothly.
The receptionist looked surprised once again, most probably surprised with her boss was in debt but she kept her professionalism in hand and i overheard her calling him in the office on the phone. Their conversation was brief and she led me to his office.
As soon as she left, i knocked on the office door and i heard him telling me to come in.
The mahogany coloured door swung open and Kim Jong Kook was dressed casually and he was standing behind his desk, eyes glued on several papers on the table.
He looked up and smiled,"Ice skating partner whom i owed some money?"
I laughed,"I couldnt think of any more excuse because she asked me on what business im here to see you."
"And you came up with that excuse?" Kim Jong Kook laughed,"You just gave a hot topic for the entire floor to gossip on."
"Shit. I did?" I was surprised and felt guilty almost immediately,"I am so sorry."
He laughed heartily,"I was only joking. Jeez lady. Dont take it so seriously."
I narrowed my eyes at him and he gestured me the empty seat,"Please, have a seat. Make yourself comfortable."
But i remained standing, instead, looking around at his office. His phone rang and while he was talking to whoever it was, he still keep his eyes on me, looking amused.
It took him no longer than 5 minutes and as soon as he ended the call, he turned to me and said,"So, miss, what can i do for you today? You look lost."
"I dont remember why im here," i told him truthfully. True enough, i was supposed to be meeting my grandfather, not him.
"Im flattered," Kim Jong Kook said,"Seems like your heart leads you here. Aww~~ you miss me that much?"
I flushed furiously but from the sound of his voice, i could recognise he was bragging. And he could tell that i was slightly irritated. Laughing, he offered his hand and said,"Shall we?"
Perplexed, i asked,"Where are we going?"
"Breakfast," he replied, checking his wrist watch,"I know a place that served the best breakfast in town."
"You havent eaten your breakfast yet?" I asked.
"I did but seems like you havent," Kim Jong Kook said and heck, i couldnt hide anything from this man.
"How can you tell?" I asked as i took his hand, amazed.
He just gave me a bright smile and lead the way. We walked out from his office hand in hand, causing several staffs to start whispering behind our back but he seemed oblivious about it, or maybe ignoring it. I almost tugged my hand away but his grip was firm, and perhaps he knew what i was thinking of doing, he kissed the top of my hand softly as we entered the elevator.
The receptionist widened her eyes, looking very shocked with what she just saw and the moment the door closed, i burst out laughing.
I had to stop laughing the moment the elevator stopped on the 19th floor and several workers entered. They greeted Kim Jong Kook as they entered and hastily turned my laughter into a cough. He was amused as well, with the reaction given by his receptionist earlier on and he tried to shush me but ended up giggling, causing other passengers to turn their heads at both of us.
He flustered a little but he gained his composure almost immediately as the amused workers exit at 10th floor.
"You just gave them something to gossip on," i said to him.
Kim Jong Kook shrugged,"They always do, mind you. For years, they thought that i was gay because they have never seen or heard any news about me having a girlfriend."
Once again, i burst out laughing,"You? Gay?"
"They talked about it for years, mind you," he added later on, as the both of us exit the elevator upon reaching the basement.
"Until the media reported about your engagement," i said.
"Yeah," he said rather quietly.
We climbed into the car and an awkward silence fell upon us but it only lasted for awhile, because i was somehow curious on where he's bringing me for breakfast, until i recognised the route he took which was leading to his house.
"So, the breakfast in town is at your house?" I asked, shaking my head slightly,"You are so full of yourself."
He grinned, and looking smug,"The owner of this house is an excellent cook."
"I dont know," i said as we arrived,"The owner of this house only managed to cook some omelette the last time i met him."
"He have been improving, quite excellently, i say," Kim Jong Kook said smugly but the moment we got out from the car, he paused.
"Whats wrong?" I asked.
"Get in," he gestured,"We need to go to the supermarket."
"Why?" I asked.
"Grocery shopping, of course," he replied,"I dont think my house keeper refilled my refrigerator. I've forgotten to ask her to do so."
Then, something hit me. I turned to him,"Wait, you having at home, alone, without food?"
"Yes and no. I stayed with my family," Kim Jong Kook replied, keeping his eyes on the road as he drove us to the supermarket.
"Oh. Why?" I asked and apparently, my question had made him looking a little bit uncomfortable.
He glanced at me and chose not to answer and i almost wanted to ask him again but i managed to stop myself.
We arrived at the supermarket and with ease, he managed to locate where they kept their shopping cart.
As we walked along the aisle where dairy product was, he stopped and i followed suit.
"I couldnt stay home alone, after i left you and when you ran away, i just couldnt get back home," he said, answering to my question earlier on,"Because i dont want to be alone. Even though for the last few years, i was perfectly fine with it."
He chuckled, and continued,"Who knew, a sale assistant from one of my supermarket could make me go crazy without her presence."
I remained silence as we continued walking along the aisle, entering the frozen section.
"The next time you run away from me again, rest assure that i will chase after you," Kim Jong Kook added.
He flung his arm around my shoulder, planted a kiss on my temple, i almost blurted out about moving to the UK with Jin Hyuk. Not that i've said yes to Jin Hyuk's proposal.

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