Chapter III - The Dreaded Question

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A couple of weeks have passed since Ava and I had met Harry; and that is all she talked about, too.  My Hazza this and My Hazza that and my personal favorite, “Daddy, My Hazza thinks we both have beautiful blue eyes!”

It was our lazy Sunday and we were watching movies, snuggling up on the couch.  There really is nothing better.  I know she is getting older and it will only be a matter of time before times like these will become few and far between so I make sure to cherish every single moment and not take anything for granted.

We started watching The Parent Trap, the original version, and we were enjoying it.  Then she got this puzzled look on her face.  I just stared at her for some time while it appeared that a lot of thoughts were beginning to grow inside her head.  She looked up at me and began to speak.  This was the moment I have been dreading for the past four years. 

“Daddy.  I don’t have a twin somewhere living with my mother do I?” She asked as serious as ever.

“No Ladybug.  You are an only child.  Lord help the world if there were two of you.” I said to try to make light of the situation.

She stuck her tongue out at me and started in again. 

“So where is my mother?”

“Well darling……” I started but didn’t know what to say

She started tapping her fingers rhythmically on her knee and said “I’m waiting, Daddy”

I sighed and thought how to word it properly for a seven year old.  I began.

“Ladybug, your mother thought she was too young to properly care for you, so she thought it was best that I raise you by myself.” I said hoping that would satisfy her for another few years, at least.  No such luck.

“Well how old was she?  Where did she go?  Is she coming back?  Do you miss her?”  She riddled off question after question and I began to recite my answers when she was finished.  She deserved to know the basic details.

“Your mother was the same age me.  We were both almost twenty when we had you.” I said.  She nodded her head as a sign for me to continue.

“She told me that she was going to Australia but that was four years ago when you were three and I haven’t spoken to her since so I am not sure if she is still there and I am not sure if she is coming back or not sweetheart, I’m sorry.” I said taking her into a small embrace.

“Do you miss my mother?”

“Sometimes, darling.  But I have you and you are all I need.” I replied as I placed a kiss on top of her head.

“Well Daddy” she began to reply “I think that you are the best Daddy in the whole world.  So good in fact that, I probably won’t ever need a mother!” She said with a smile.

“But Daddy” she started to say “I think you need to date”

I looked at her surprised to which she replied,

“Come on Daddy.  I have seen enough movies and television to know that adults need other adults to go out with and date and fall in love.”

“When did you get so smart Ladybug?” I asked

“I’ve always been a genius, daddy.  You know that.”

“Yes darling, I know.” I replied and started to tickle her.

She giggled and laughed and rolled around on the couch trying to escape.  She looked at me sternly giving me my cue to stop and that she had something to say.

“So, Daddy.  About you going out on dates.  You know, My Hazza said you had beautiful eyes!  Maybe you could go out with him?”  She smiled and wiggled her eyes.

I laughed at her suggestion, shook my head and replied.  “Darling, Harry is a famous singer and I am sure he doesn’t have the time for dating.”

“Well, it was just a suggestion.  You should think about it!” She said firmly.

“Ok sweetheart.  I’ll think about it” I said to appease her and we turned our attention back to the movie.

I was surprised how much easier that conversation had went.  She really didn’t seem upset at all.  However I don’t believe that she will never need a mother like she says.  I am sure that when she is going through her teen years she will want another female figure around to help her through the female trials and tribulations.  But we will cross that bridge when we get there.

I looked down at my now sleeping Ladybug.  I looked at the clock and it was just past 8 at night.  I picked her up and carried her to her room and placed her gently on to her bed, tucked her in and gave her a gentle kiss on her head.  I stared at her for a little bit thinking about how lucky I am to have her in my life.  She is all my joy.  She is my life.  I turned off the light and closed the door, but not before quickly glancing at the Harry Styles poster on the wall and smiling.

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