Chapter XV - Don't Ride With Strangers!

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(third and last update for today.  Hope you all enjoy chapter 15!!)


The first few days apart have been ok.  We’ve talked every day, even if it was only for a couple of minutes.  It was difficult with such a huge time difference, but we’ve done all we could to make it work.  We found time to Skype on Saturday.  It was great being able to see each other and Ava Belle loved it too. 

We never ran out of things to say.  We would discuss what he was doing and what I had going on with work and what Ava had at school, while also adding in the ‘miss you’, ‘can’t wait to see you’, ‘can’t wait to hold you’ and so on.

It was now Tuesday.  Exactly one week since Harry left.  It was getting a little difficult.  What will I do when he has to go out on tour and be gone for months at a time?  It has only been a week.  I think I might be absolutely mad with missing him once two and three weeks comes around.

Ava and I had just finished dinner when Harry called.  I excitedly answered.

“Hey baby.  I miss you so much.”

“I miss you too, babe” He replied

We talked about my day since his was just in the afternoon given the time difference.  We also talked about other random things.  Ava and he talked for a bit but she had to finish her homework so they said their goodbyes.

“Niall, I need to tell you something.  It’s nothing really big, I just want to tell you before it’s all in the magazines.” He says

“Um, ok” I reply kind of nervous.

“You know I had that appearance to do last night at that movie opening.” He asked

“Yeah.  What about it?” I asked

“Well there will likely be some pictures of me and one of the actresses.  I’ve met her a couple times before but I have never had any interest in her at all.  But I think the paps got a picture of me whispering in her ear.   So it looks like we are close.  But all I said to her was that I liked the movie.  I promise.” He tried to keep up with the explanation but I cut him off.

“Baby, it’s ok.  I believe you.  I trust you.  I will always trust you until you give me a reason not to.  I understand that there are going to be situations like these and you are doing the right thing by warning me before hand.  Thank you.  I am sure I would have freaked a little if I saw pictures without a warning first.  But really, Harry.  It’s ok.” I assured him.

“You are amazing, babe.  Did you know that?” he said

“Yes, I am well aware” I said and we both laughed.

“Well I have to get to the studio now.  I miss you.  Give Ava a kiss for me.” He said

“I will.  And I miss you too.  Bye baby.”

“Bye Babe”

After a few minute I settled into bed and turned on the TV.  Within five minutes of watching the entertainment channel there was talk of Harry Styles’ new relationship.  They did flash pictures and there were a few.  Ones with just an arm around her waist as they posed for pictures and even some as he described.  They were close with him whispering in her ear, but I am sure that some people were quick to say he was kissing her.  I’m glad I knew the truth beforehand.  Not that I would have flown off the handle, called and yelled at him, but I think it would have upset me. 

I do feel a bit of jealousy, but not because I think there is anything going on.  I am jealous that she gets to feel my boyfriend’s arm around her and that she gets to have a conversation with him in person.  I miss his presence so much.

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