Chapter XXVII - Ripped Banner & Two Bows

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(A/N...2nd and final update for the day.  Feel free to comment or vote.  Enjoy!)


I crawled into my own bed and pulled the covers up to my eyes and cried.  I felt this overwhelming need to turn on the entertainment news.  I tried to ignore it, but I had to see if there was anything there.  Why didn’t he come?  I tuned into the channel and waited.

“Harry Styles and Niall Horan are officially over.  Video shows Niall leaving Harry’s birthday party last night just before midnight in tears.”

Ok, well that’s false.  I was just rubbing my eyes.  I slightly laughed at the assumption.

“Harry was seen again this afternoon out to lunch with Elina Ahlgren. Both still looking hung over from the party last night. A source close to the model says that she and Harry have developed a quick bond and have been spending all their time together.  They are very happy.”

And then I saw the pictures.  He was fucking out to lunch with that girl, while my Ava cried.  The pictures weren’t fictitious or doctored.  There he was with his lips placed dangerously to hers.    I’m done.  I love him so much but I am done.  He can do anything to me and I can take it and deal with it, but he broke Ava.  I have never seen her so upset.  He hurt her, he hurt my baby and there is no coming back from that.

About forty five minutes and endless tears later, my phone begins to buzz.  I am almost scared to see who it is, but I look.  Louis.  I sigh with relief.

“H-hel-l-ll-o” I stutter out still crying.

“Niall, oh my God, Niall I am so sorry.  I am out front.  Come let me in.”

I hang up, not really wanting to see anyone right now but I dragged myself out of my bed and go to open the front door to find not only Louis and Michael, but Zayn and Liam as well.  I am pulled into a group hug and I just collapse and sob into someone’s chest.

They drag me into the living room and lay me on the couch.  My legs are draped over Zayn and my head buried into Louis’ lap.  He is running his hands through my hair, soothingly and Zayn is gently rubbing my back.  After a few minutes, I pull myself together and sit upright on the couch.

The boys take notice of the banner ripped apart and laying in front of the fire place.  Two purple bows next to it.

“Ava” Louis said sadly.  They all knew about the plan for today and her playing his song for him.  They have all heard her practicing over the last month.

“How could he do this to her?  To me, fine…but not to my Ladybug” I sob to them.

“This isn’t like Harry at all.  He loves Ava.” Louis says and shakes his head.

“Well apparently now he only cares about himself and some slutty model.  That picture.  Sure he is kissing the side of her mouth, but what happened before that or after that?  What happened last night after I left the party and she was still there?  Did he sleep with her” I snap.

“I don’t think I can forgive this.  Not now that he hurt Ava.   I love him so fucking much it hurts, but I don’t think I can get over this.  Her face….she was completely heartbroken.  She cried for three hours straight.  She cried herself to sleep while I held her.” My face was now buried into Zayn’s chest and he held tightly rubbing circles into my back.

“What the hell was he thinking?” Liam said.

“He isn’t thinking.  I don’t understand.” Louis said in response.  “Did you two have a fight?”

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