Chapter XXV - Thanks For Last Night

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(A/N - so 2nd and final update for the day.  I hope you all enjoy!  Let me know what you think if you would like.  This chapter may make you slightly angry.....oops! )


It was a bit awkward between Harry and me when we got back to London.  There was obvious tension because of the whole Rachel thing.  I tried to continue to reassure him and sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn’t. 

I really don’t know why he is being insecure.  I have never given him a reason to doubt my feelings for him.  But I try to think what it would be like to be in his shoes.  I would not like the idea of one of his ex’s trying to get back with him, so I try my best to comfort him when he needs it.

However, it still worries me a bit that she will follow through with her plan and show up on my door step in a few months.  This is a thought that I keep to myself.

Harry has been very busy finishing up the recording.  It will go into production in a few days and the official release date is set for the seventh of March.  I have been busy getting into the swing of things in my new role in the company and it is going great.  I am of course also busy with Ava.  Harry also has many appearances that he must attend and I try to go to as many with him as I can.

I try to ignore the slight distance that Harry has been putting between us.  Not calling or texting as much.  Not sleeping over as much as he did in the beginning.  I chalk it up to our hectic schedules and I try my best to make him completely happy while we are together.

Another added stress is that I have been getting the random text here and there from Rachel.  She must have called her phone with my phone the day in the coffee shop to get my number.  I do feel guilty that I didn’t delete her number from my phone, but I kind of convinced myself that I should have the phone number to mother of my child.  What I feel guilty about is that I haven’t told Harry about me having her number or the texts that she has been sending me.

Most have been flirty and most not mentioning Ava at all.  I delete all of the texts she sends and I have never replied back. 

She has been getting bold lately.  Now she is not only sending flirty texts, she has upped it to pictures.  Some of her flirty smile and others that are quite racy.  Those get immediately deleted as well.

Harry’s birthday is only a couple days away, this Saturday to be exact.  There is a big party already planned for Saturday night by his management team.  Ava, being disappointed that she couldn’t go, was told by Harry that the three of us would spend all day Sunday together.  She has been working hard on his gift for the past month.  Basically when we got back from Ireland and saw her piano she knew what she wanted to do. 

With the basics that Harry has taught her, she has been learning to play Little Things.  I had to secretly contact his management to get a copy of the sheet music.  I told them what it was for and they gave it to me without hesitation.  She is really good at it and has it almost perfect.  She has been beaming with excitement for the past week.  Anticipation building up inside.  I love how excited she is.  I know that he will love it!

I am taking him out to dinner on Friday night, tomorrow, to celebrate.  I got him a vintage gold Elgin pocket watch.  Luckily the significant pay increase that I began receive a month ago allowed me to purchase such an expensive gift.  I had it engraved on the inside with:

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