Chapter XXII - Publicity

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(A/N - So here is the 2nd update for today. One more update after this.  Enjoy darlings!!)


Ava and I are currently waiting for Harry to pick us up for dinner.  He said that he wanted to take us out to celebrate my promotion.  It’s a Thursday evening so hopefully there will not be a lot of people out and about.  I know that our plan is to start showing more affection in public, but I would prefer to do that alone with him.  I feel sort of bad having to bring Ava in this.  I do want her to have a normal life but I know that since I am dating Harry, she will get a great deal of attention.  But she loves it and couldn’t be any happier. 

He told me that we are going out to a fancy restaurant and to dress Ava up nicely, as well as myself.  Ava Belle is in a cute purple and white floral dress with a bow in the back and I am in a dark gray suit with a white button down and a purple stripped tie.

The door bell rings and Ava and I both greet Harry at the door.  He looked breathtaking.  He was dressed similar to me.

“You look amazing, babe” Harry said stepping into the house with a bouquet of flowers.  He hands them to me and gives me a kiss.

“Thank you, baby.  You look really good as well”

“Ava Belle” Harry starts, “You my darling are quite possibly the most beautiful girl I have ever seen!” He says to her and pulls her in for a hug and kiss.

“Thank you My Hazza.  You clean up nicely!” She joked.

We made our way to his Range Rover and he opened the door for both of us.  We made our way to the restaurant; Harry holding my hand the entire drive.

We pulled up in front of Zaika and the valet opened mine and Ava’s door and we stood on the side waiting for Harry to come around.  Harry took Ava by the hand and placed his other hand on the small of my back and we entered the front doors.  I could have sworn that I saw a flash out of the corner of my eye, but I ignored it.

We were quite enjoying dinner, although it took a while to find something for Ava to eat.  Everything was ‘too fancy’ for her food liking but Harry had the chef make her chicken fingers.  She was happy with that.

Towards the end of our meal Harry made a toast to me, Ava and our growing relationship.  We took a sip of our champagne and Ava her sparkling water.  He leaned in to me and placed a kiss on my lips.

“I love you so much Niall” Harry whispered into my ear.  I smiled and placed my forehead against his.

“I love you too, Harry.”  I then took notice that some of the staff and some other patrons were looking in our direction.  I shrugged it off too happy to be bothered by any of it.

We saw Ava’s head bobbing up and down as she was trying to fight off sleep.  It was adorable.  Harry paid the check and picked her up in his arms and we exited the restaurant.

We were waiting for the valet and a good number of paps surrounded us, taking pictures.  Some were shouting and we ignored it for a bit but when Harry noticed Ava Belle cover her eyes and squiggle a bit, Harry took action.  I held onto his hand because I wasn’t sure if what he would do.

“Excuse me” He says politely and everyone seemed to listen.  “I would be willing to answer a couple of questions if you stay quiet and stop taking pictures.  It is bothering this precious little girl sleeping in my arms.”  I let go of his hand knowing that he is calm.

“Harry, Niall are you dating?” one asks.  Harry and I just look at each other.

“We are very good friends and enjoy each other’s company.” He replies

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