Chapter XXXVI - Forever and Always

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(A/N - So here is the last chapter to Anything For You.  This is dedicated to everyone who has taken the time to read this story.  I really loved writing this and I appreciate all of the wonderful comments and feedback.  It really means a lot.  I was going to wait to post this until tomorrow...but I just thought about how amazing you all are and wanted to do this for all of you.  Why make you wait!?  Again, thank you so much, lovelies.  Enjoy the last chapter!!!  xoxo)


It’s been four months since Harry and I have been back together.  Four months of bliss, four months of happiness and four months as a family; Harry, Ava and me. 

Harry’s birthday is tomorrow and like last year his management is throwing him a rather large industry party.  I am not worried by this because unlike last year, Harry and I have a much stronger relationship.  We have a much stronger bond and we are more in love now then we have ever been.

Earlier today, Harry took my mum, who is in town for his party and Ava out to lunch.  He said he wanted to spend more time with the ladies in my life and I was made to stay home.  It was ok though.  I had a quiet and relaxing afternoon.

Harry and I got ready for his birthday dinner.  I was taking him out to celebrate; just the two of us.  We would go to the party after dinner.  My mum would watch Ava until Jessie arrived to stay the night and watch her and my mum would then come to the party.

We had a romantic dinner and he loved my gift.  I was finally taking advantage of the perks of being the VPO at Williams & Johnson and gave Harry an envelope.  In the envelope I had our two plane tickets to Morocco and pictures of the house we would be staying in for a week.  It was one of the company’s vacation homes and we would be taking the company jet.  Ava would be on spring holiday from school and would be spending it in Ireland with my parents.  A romantic get a way for just the two of us is something I have wanted for a long time and now we would be getting the chance in about a month and a half.

The party was in full swing when we arrived.  Of course there were many people I didn’t know and even some that Harry didn’t know, but it was an industry party after all.  There would be people there just for the publicity of it all.

We made our way around the party, speaking to almost everyone.  A few times we snuck away to have a private moment to ourselves; kissing, hugging, speaking softly into each other’s ear. We would then rejoin the party as if we never disappeared.

Harry wanted to say thank you to everyone as the party was winding down.  He made his way to the DJ booth and was given the microphone.  The boys, Anne, my mum and I all stood at the front of the DJ area.  All attention on Harry.

“Hi.” He began and winked at me.  I smiled and he continued.

“I just wanted to say thanks to all of you who came to celebrate my birthday with me.  It’s really humbling to know I have so much support and people who care.  This night has been perfect and I can’t think of anything better than to be sharing this day with my family and closest friends.” He paused and smiled over to me and I returned it.

“Well, there might be one thing better” he says with a smirk and I look at him with a raised eyebrow.

“Niall.  Will you come up here please?”

Oh God.  What is he about to do?  I immediately begin to turn red and I slowly make my way over to Harry. Once I reach him he takes my hand in his and begins to speak, looking only at me.

“Niall, you have been everything to me since I first saw you.  I was immediately drawn in by those amazing beautiful blue eyes of yours and I knew it then that I had to be with you.  We have been through a lot over the past year and a half but I wouldn’t change any of it because it all brought us both here, together.  I have never loved anyone the way I love you, well maybe except for Ava” he says with a smile and me and the rest of the party laughs.

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