Chapter IX - The Morning Show

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(A/N - This chapter is dedicated to the lovely JasmineLadher.  She has left so many great comments regarding this story and I appreciate all of them, very much!!  I was going to wait until later to post, but I'm why not?   I'll also be posting chapter 10 as well.  Hope everyone who is reading this enjoys this chapter!  Thank you so much, darlings!!)

My alarm began to beep at its normal time, 6:00am.  I began to roll over to turn it off like I would every morning but was met with unexpected resistance.  I look down to see a pair of strong arms wrapped tightly around me, holding me in place.

“ugh.  Make the beeping stop.” Harry groaned

“I would Harry but I can’t reach it with you holding onto me!” I said as I wiggled out of his grip and turned the alarm off.

I swung my legs off the bed and placed them on the cold wooden floor, yawned and stretched my arms.  I was about to get up to start my morning routine but Harry had other plans.  He quickly pulled me back into the bed and hugged me tight, burying his head into my neck.

“No.  It’s too early to be up.” He said almost whimpering.  “What time is it anyway?”

“Its 6:00” I replied

“Yeah, too early.  You are staying in bed with me.” He said and tightened his grip and started kissing my neck.

“Harry, as much as I would love to lie in bed with you all day, I have to get my day started.  Now actually.  Mornings are busy for us.  Ava and me, I mean.”

“Oh right.  Well I suppose I can let you go.” He responded with a smile and one last kiss on my lips.

“I hate to ask you this, especially with everything that we did last night, but do you think that you can be out of here by 6:30?” I asked

He looked at me puzzled and kind of sad.

“Well just because I take my shower than get Ava Belle up at 6:30 for her shower and I don’t want to have to explain to a seven year old why you are here so early in the morning.” I smiled

His face brightened and replied, “Right.  That would be an awkward conversation!”

“Yes, it would.  Now I have to get showered, get Ava up, make breakfast and we have to be out of the door by 8.  So you gotta go!” I said chuckling and pulling his arms to get him out of the bed. 

We were both standing now on the cold wooden floor and it hit me that we were both still naked from last night.  I blushed and went to grab something to cover myself with but Harry pulled me back into an embrace.  We hugged for a few minutes while Harry kissed along my jaw and neck.

“H-h-Harry” I moaned.  “We can’t do this now.” I said and started to pull away.  I looked down and we were both getting excited.  I lightly pushed on his chest to release myself from his grip.  He nodded and let his arms go from around my waist.

I located my boxers as well as his and put mine on, and then gave him his.  He walked around the room gathering his clothes and putting them on piece by piece.  When he was fully clothed and I was in my boxers, I grabbed his hand and led him down stairs and to the front door.

“I glad you let me come over last night.” He said as he placed his hands on my hips, rubbing his thumbs gently on my hip bones.

“Yeah, it was a great night.” I said and smiled while reaching my arms around his neck to pull him into a hug.  “Thank you.” I whispered into his ear.

“No, Thank You!” He said with a smirk and wiggled his eye brows at me.  We both quietly laughed.

“I’ll be really busy over the next couple of days, but I’ll try to text you if I get a free minute.” He says and began to pull away from the hug.

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