Chapter XVIII - Maybe Just A Little Bit

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(A/N - Chapter 18 is here!!  I'll likely post 19 and 20 today as well.  This Chapter is dedicated to livingforthebest.  'The Runaway' is really good and 'Right Next To You' and it's sequel 'Love Is Forever' are simply amazing!!  I hope you enjoy this chapter, darlings!!) 


I awoke to a cold bed.  I tried to reach for him but he was not there.  So, I thought, last night was a dream.  My smile faltered.   I looked over at my clock and the time read 9:38am.  I plopped my head back down on my inviting pillow, closed my eyes and sighed.  I then smelt the familiar scent of bacon.  Shit.  Ava is up and I slept in and she is in the kitchen making her own breakfast.  I jumped up pulled on random clothing and ran towards the kitchen.  She is not supposed to be using the stove.  It’s a gas stove and I have always been fearful that she will burn herself.

“Ladybug, what have I told you about using the stove?” I say before I even get to the kitchen.  I round the corner to see Ava at the table coloring and my handsome boyfriend flipping eggs in the frying pan.  They both look at me and start to laugh.

“Daddy, I know I’m not allowed to use the stove.”  She shakes her head and turns her attention back to her coloring book.

Harry walks over to greet me with open arms.  “Did you forget I was here, babe?” he half chuckles. 

“Last night was so perfect, so when I woke up to no one with me, I assumed it was a dream.” I whispered.  I held him closer as if to make sure he was really there, breathing in deeply, taking in his scent.

“Last night was very much real.” He whispers back, kisses my neck and then adds “I love you” and brings my face to meet his. 

I smile and look into his deep green eyes.  “I love you, too” and we share a short but loving kiss.

“And I love both of you, but I am very hungry, so can one of you please finish cooking breakfast?” Ava says and winks at both of us.

“Ava, not so much attitude so early in the morning, darling” I say with my disapproving fatherly face but Harry is laughing.  She flashes her beautiful smile and locks eyes with me.  After a few moments of a stare off, I cave and am smiling and laughing along with them.

“We love you too, Ladybug” Harry says, Ava smiles big and goes back to coloring and I look up at him and smile.  We turn back around to finish cooking and he looks down to me and whispers “I hope it’s ok that I just called her Ladybug.  I know it’s your nickname for her, I hope I didn’t step on any toes.”

“Absolutely not.  It’s really up to her.  So far she only allows me to call her that.  Others have tried to call her Ladybug, but she asks them not to.  So I am guessing that she is ok with you calling her that, judging by her reaction.” He smiles and gives me a one armed hugged since he has a spatula in the other hand.

“Well that makes me happy!” He responds. 

“It makes me very happy too.”

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