Chapter XXXIV - Another Note, Another Birthday

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(A/N - Hope you enjoy chapter 34.  Only two more chapters after this.  I'm kinda sad that this story is almost over.  But I am 45 pages into my new one.  I might post the first chapter to the new story in a few days or so.  I have also decided to dedicate this chapter to Iris_Moens for leaving wonderful comments on my first story, Near To You, as well as this one.  I really appreciate all the love, doll face!!  Anyway, darlings...Happy Reading!)



I’m sorry I left without waking you.  I love you so much, but please know that because I love you, I can’t do this to you anymore.  I have to figure out my feelings for Sasha and it is not fair to lead you on.  There is a pleasure with you that I will never feel with anyone else, I know that, but that doesn’t change the fact that you deserve someone who will be able to give you everything, all of them and I can’t do that right now.  I am so confused and it’s not right to string you along while I work through what I need to.

I will love you always,


Louis hands me back the note and shakes his head.

“I’m really sorry Niall.  He is being a complete twat.  I don’t know what the hell he is so confused about.  It’s obvious to every single person that knows you, that you two should be together.”

“Well, he doesn’t see it that way.  I’ve done all that I could to get him to realize it, but he doesn’t want me.  He made his choice and it wasn’t me.”

“That’s not true Niall.”

“Yes it is Louis.  It’s only been two weeks since we were together.  Only two weeks since he left me that letter and last night he was arm in arm with her on a red carpet.  I know what that signifies, Lou.  Harry and I came out as official at a red carpet event.  He is officially dating her.  He made his choice.”

“Then you move on too.  You deserve happiness Niall.  You are too good of a person to be messed around with.  I don’t care if he is my best friend.  He is wrong.  He will get it one day.  He’ll see you in the arms of someone else and come crawling back.”

“Yea but that isn’t fair for me.  That’s worse.  If he has made his choice he needs to keep it that way.  I hate this fucking yo-yo shit that he has been doing to me.”

“Wow, Niall.  It’s not often I hear you swear.  I like it!” Louis jokes and I smile.

“So now, let’s forget about all that and start planning your party!  You’ll be 28 in just under two weeks!”

Harry’s POV

“How can you be such an idiot Harry?”  Gemma yelled.  “Niall is the one for you not that vapid, brainless Sasha.  I mean really Harry.  You would choose her over a life with Niall and Ava.”

“It’s not that simple Gemma” I reply

“Why the hell not!” She exclaims

“Gemma, language.” My mum says giving her a disapproving look.

“Mum, I’m an adult and hell isn’t really a bad word.” She replied.  “I’m just so frustrated with Harry right now.  Why would he officially say he is dating that twat when he so obviously still loves Niall and Niall loves him?”

“Yes, Harry you did make the wrong choice, but Gemma it is his choice to make.” My mum says sweetly but gives me a disapproving look afterward.

“Ugh, I give up.  You are an idiot and Niall is amazing.  I’m going to meet up with him and Louis now anyway to plan his party.”  Gemma states and walks towards the door.

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