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I'm proud of this chapter ngl, let me know what you think!
Love yo guys -X


Four months later

"Hey!" Simon waved excitedly, pulling me into a tight hug as soon as I entered the small coffee shop.

"How're you Si?" I questioned, finally pulling away from my best friend.

"Seriously? Clary, I should be the one asking those questions." Simon scoffed, making me chuckle at him as we sat down.

"So? How are you doing? Or should I say how are the pair of you doing?" Simon grinned, making me laugh at him once again.

"Good, actually. The sickness isn't half as bad, but Jace isn't happy." I sighed.

Simon was about to speak, but a young man soon came over to take our orders. We quickly ordered our coffee, and the man was gone within minutes.

"So what's up with Jace?" Simon questioned, raising an eyebrow at me curiously.

"The Clave have got him on call 24/7, it's driving him insane." I sighed once again, thanking the waiter as he returned with our orders.

"Wait, shouldn't Alec be the one they have on call? You know, since he's the head of the institute?" Simon questioned, ripping the small packet of sugar open before pouring it into the warm mug filled with coffee.

"That's just it. They'd have Alec if it were to do with duties with the Clave, but that's not the current situation they're in." I spoke, bringing the mug up to my lips, taking a small sip of the steamy drink.

"Well then if it isn't with the Clave, what's going on?" Simon questioned curiously, absently stirring his coffee.

"Last week, the Mumbai institute was burnt to the ground. Attacked one morning out of the blue." I explained.

"Wait, seriously? Why?" Simon questioned in confusion.

"That's what they're trying to figure out. The levels of demonic activity have been going through the rough all over the place lately, no one knows why.." I trailed off.

It was all I'd been thinking about, trying to help Jace, Alec and Izzy figure out where all of the commotion had suddenly appeared from, but it never got us anywhere.

"Do you have any idea why it's happening?" Simon asked, pulling me out of my train of thoughts.

"No..that's the problem. All of these attacks appeared out of the blue. The Mumbai institute was the first one that has been burnt completely to the ground, but others have also been attacked." I stated, shaking my head as I spoke.

"Who do you think is behind this?" Simon questioned after a short while of silence.

"I wish I knew. So many shadowhunters have died because of these attacks, and yet we have no idea why or who's doing it is." I spoke.

"Everything has been so quiet for such a long time, all the sudden commotion just seems completely abnormal." Simon chuckled.

"I know. I'll get these, do you want to go for a walk afterwards?" I stated, making a move to get up, but Simon quickly stopped me.

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