Twenty one

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"You're almost there Clary, just a couple more pushes and you're done."  Magnus encouraged in hopes to calm my nerves.

"I can't do this." I cried out, sweat covering my forehead as well as then rest of of my body, tears rolling down my cheeks whilst I screamed out in pain.

"Yes you can, she's almost here Clary, you're almost there baby." Jace spoke, firm grip held on my hand whilst a huge smile became visible on his face in the dim light.

I let the sobs rack my body as I continued to push, clutching onto Jace's hand with whatever strength I still had left whilst I let my eyes screw shut.

The sound of an ear piercing cry filled my ears a few minutes later, my chest heaving whilst I smiled slightly, breathing out a sigh of relief.

"Told you you could do it." Jace whispered in my ear, kissing the side of my head whilst I continued to let the tears fall, eyes scanning the room for my baby.

"Magnus? Where is she? Where's my baby?" I questioned desperately, voice cracking whilst I stared at Magnus' dark silhouette that was currently facing away from both myself and Jace.

" I guess disguises really are one of my strong points." Magnus spoke. I stared at him in confusion, swallowing hard whilst I watched him turn around.

I stared in horror as I watched as what once had been Magnus' frame morph into another, glittery robes turning into dark shadowhunting gear within seconds. His dark hair turned almost white, his gleaming cat eyes turning into black orbs, genuine smile changing into a horrifying smirk.

"Sebastian.." I trailed off, hand flying up to my mouth in shock whilst my eyes began to water furiously, watching as he handled my little girl in my arms.

"She's got your eyes, Jace." Sebastian stated, rocking the crying baby in his arms whilst all I could do was stare.

"Give her to me. Sebastian give me my baby." I stated shakily, taking a nervous intake of breath as I spoke.

"I'm afraid I can't do that. We'll be off now, I guess this is goodbye, little sister." He smirked, stepping away from me whilst he held the screaming child over is shoulder, taking slow strides out of the room.

"No!" I screamed, frantically pulling the blood covered bedsheets back whilst pain cursed through my lower region, causing me to cry out whilst I bent over, noticing that the seat where Jace had once been sitting in was now cold and empty.

"Give me my baby!" I cried, tears covering my cheeks whilst I attempted to chase after Sebastian's silhouette, but he had vanished.

"No.." I sobbed, falling to my knees on the cold stone ground, crying out in pain as I tugged desperately at my hair.

"Clary! Clary!" Voices began calling my name, but there was no one in sight, and that only caused me to whimper even more.

"Clary!" I felt some sort of force grip ahold of my shoulders, making the cold room disappear.

And then I awoke, sweat trickling down my forehead whilst I continued to sob, with Jace's face directly in front of mine.

"You're okay, everything's fine, you're safe and sound." Jace spoke, quickly pulling me into his arms.

"I thought I lost you..a-and our little girl." I cried, clutching onto Jace with a strong grip, burying my face into his shoulder whilst he held me with a grip just as strong as my own.

"Wait, what? Little girl? Clary, what are you-" Jace began to speak, a confused look covering his face whilst he pulled away ever so slightly.

"We..we're having a girl, it's going to be a baby girl." I breathed out, finally managing to keep my tears under control.

"How do you know?" Jace questioned, eyes focused on my stomach whilst a smile began to spread across his face, casting shadows over his pale features in the darkening room.

""Sebastian..he knows it's going to be a girl, he told me the night he took me." I spoke quietly, adverting my gaze away from Jace's.

"Clary, what did he do to you in there?" Jace questioned worriedly, reaching up to soothingly caress my cheek with his hand.

"I..I don't really know. I was injected with some sort of sedative, but I couldn't move, not at all. Everyone was rushing around me saying things that I didn't understand, and I couldn't even react, I couldn't even-" I began to speak, tears spilling at the memory of being so helpless, but Jace cut me off.

"Shh you're okay now, everything's going to be alright. You and the baby are safe, and that's all that matters." Jace spoke, pulling me into his arms, tight grip returning once again.

"I don't want to go through it again, I couldn't have helped our baby in any way if-" I began to speak once again, but Jace quickly interrupted for the second time.

"And you won't have to. You, and our little girl are safe, and that's the only thing that's important." Jace stated, running a hand through my hair whilst I rested comfortably against his chest, head leaning on his shoulder.

"So, a girl huh?" Jace questioned after a few minutes of nothing being said between the pair of us, his choice of topic making me smile because I knew he was trying to take my mind off everything else.

"Yeah, not too long to go now." I chuckled lightly, placing a single hand on my growing bump.

"I was so convinced that it was going to be a boy, dammit." Jace sighed, causing me to furrow my brow and stare up at him in confusion.

"Didn't you want a girl?" I questioned curiously.

"No its not that! It's just..well me and Alec kind of made a bet, and-" He began to speak, but I cut him off with a loud laugh.

"Why does that not surprise me? I should've known you pair would've done something like that." I chuckled, shaking my head in the process.

"Yeah well, now Alec has won. Each one of us were so confident that we were so sure we knew the sex, but now I've lost." Jace sighed dramatically, making me shake my head once again.

"Where is everyone else?" I questioned curiously, seeing as it was just me and Jace in the huge infirmary.

"They left literally minutes before you woke up. They were exhausted, I had to force them out." Jace chuckled.

"Why were they exhausted? How long have I been out for?" I questioned worriedly.

"It's been five days since we got back from Sebastian's, so five days since you've been out." Jace stated, causing my eyes to widen.

"Five whole days?!" I questioned, staring at Jace with wide eyes.

"Yeah, we've been worried sick. Speaking of which, we should go let them know you're okay." Jace stated.

"And we must tell Alec that he's won the bet." I smirked, kneeing that it only annoy Jace further.

"Fine." Jace grumbled, making me laugh at him once more before I slowly stood up, grabbing ahold of Jace's hand as we made our way out of the room.

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