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"Jace!" Alec called out loudly, rushing out of the building with Clary held tightly in his arms.

I stopped wiping the blood off of the side of my face the second I saw her, and instantly, I was rushing over to Alec, not a care in the world for the various wounds that now plastered my body from head to toe.

"By the angel, is she okay? What happened to her in there?!" I questioned worriedly as Alec carefully set her pale body down on the dirt covered ground, whilst I quickly got down on my knees, gently pulling her head onto my lap.

"Guys, it's really not a good idea to do this here. After the surprise attack he held against us in there, I'm open to expecting anything." Magnus stated cautiously.

"He's right, we need to get out of here, now." Isabelle spoke up, earning nods off of the rest of us in the process.

I carefully lifted Clary's body, pulling her into a tight embrace whilst I stood next to Alec, waiting for Magnus to open up a portal to get us the hell out of this place.

"Is the baby alright?" Simon questioned, a worried look plastered across his face as he stared down at Clary's closed eyes.

"I don't know, Magnus?" I questioned in slight panic, only just coming to realise that he could've damaged the baby that Clary continued to carry.

"I'll take a look when we get back to the institute, now hurry." Magnus urged, watching as both Isabelle and Simon stepped through the shimmering colours of the portal, followed by myself with Clary and Alec, and lastly came Magnus.

We were back within a few short seconds, walking out of the portal straight on to the pavemented sidewalk in front of the institute.

"Get her inside, someone could've followed us for all we know, hurry." Magnus spoke, closing the remains of the portal before following the rest of us up towards the main entrance of the institute.

All six of us burst through the huge double doors, hurrying up the long flight of stairs towards the infirmary.

"Lay her down, let me try and find out what they did." Magnus ordered, whilst I began to set Clary down on one of the beds.

Isabelle quickly pulled the crisp white sheets back off of the bed, helping me set Clary down as gently as possible.

"She's burning up, why on earth is she burning up?" Simon questioned, hand pressed firmly against Clary's glistening forehead.

"Darling, if I knew, I'd tell you. Now do me a favour and go get some wet towels to try and lower her temperature." Magnus stated, quickly lifting up Clary's sweater, revealing her bump.

"The pulse is there, baby should me fine." Magnus spoke up after a few minutes of having his hands pressed against her baby bump.

"What about Clary? What's wrong with her?" Isabelle questioned, staring down at Clary worriedly whilst she stood impatiently next to Alec.

"They've used some sort of sedative to calm her, but it's different to any other type I've ever come to know in my life." Magnus stated, brow furrowed in confusion.

"What do you mean?" I questioned worriedly, arms crossed nervously over my chest whilst I waited for him to reply.

"It's clear that they've pumped a large amount of the dose into her blood, but even without such an amount it's still extremely strong." Magnus explained.

"She was completely out of it when I reached her, the drip was almost empty." Alec spoke up.

"Could she speak at all? Any slight movements?" Magnus questioned, earning a shake of the head off of Alec in response.

"Nothing at all, she was just lying there, completely immobile." Alec stated, staring down at Clary's motionless body.

"Got the towels." Simon called out a few minutes later, entering the room with a bucket of water with ice as well as a couple of plain white towels draped over his shoulder.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Isabelle questioned in concern, watching as both Magnus and Simon dipped the towels into the freezing cold water, ringing them out once they were completely soaked.

"Her temperature just keeps getting higher and higher, it's the only thing we can do to bring it down." Magnus spoke, placing the towel against Clary's  forehead, as did Simon.

"The sedative should've worn off by now, she should be fine, why hasn't it?" I questioned, watching as the cold towels were pressed to her face.

"Jace, like I said before, If I knew, I would've told you by now. I've never seen a sedative work like this on someone, not for this long anyway." Magnus stated.

"It's bound to ware off sometime soon, I get that it's strong, but it can't knock her out for that much time." Simon spoke up, running the cool towels down the sides of Clary's arms.

"All we can do is wait and see, we've done all we can." Alec stated, pulling a seat up next to Clary's bed alongside myself and Isabelle.

"Sebastian won't take this lightly." Isabelle sighed, running a hand through her messy hair that hadn't been touched after the blood had been spilt on the battlefield a few hours ago.

"What do you mean by that?" Simon asked, setting the towel down on Clary's forehead whilst he held it in place.

"I mean, he's not going to be happy. He wants nothing more than to get his hands on the baby so that he can sacrifice it, we completely ruined his plan." Isabelle explained.

"I'll happily ruin it again if it means keeping my baby safe, I've said it once and I'll say I again, I won't let him hurt my child." I stated, shaking my head slightly.

"Something doesn't add up." Simon suddenly spoke up, pulling up a chair for himself before placing his hand back on Clary's forehead in order to hold the towel in place.

"What doesn't?" Alec questioned in confusion, staring over at Simon whilst he spoke.

"The prophecy, what went down didn't happen as it should've. The prophecy said that our family would fall, and that a sacrifice would be made, but none of that happened." Simon stated.

"He's right..The only parts of the prophecy that actually went down were the parts where blood was spilt, and that it all went down in a grand hall." Isabelle spoke, realising that Simon was actually speaking the truth.

"You know what this means, don't you?" Magnus questioned, a small sigh escaping his lips.

"That today wasn't the day that the prophecy was supposed to go down and become real.." I trailed off.

"There's something bigger coming, the prophecy stated clearly what would happen, and today wasn't the day." Simon sighed.

"So what went down wasn't his big scheme of a plan, was it?" Isabelle questioned, scared to hear the answer to the question.

"He probably used it as a practice run before everything actually goes down for real." I stated, shaking my head in annoyance.

"So..we're supposed to face something worse?" Alec questioned.

"What we went through today was a walk in the park, the real dangers is yet to come." Magnus stated.

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