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Hello loves!
Q:do you think the baby's gonna be a boy, or a girl? Comment and let me know!
Don't forget to vote! X


"We should talk baby names." Isabelle stated excitedly as soon as the boys left the institute, placing the freshly washed dishes away.

"Izzy, I only found out yesterday, don't you think it's a bit early?" I chuckled, taking a sip out of the glass of water I held in my left hand.

"Early? It's never too early when you're excited the way I am, Clary." Isabelle scoffed, pulling out a seat next to me whilst I chuckled at her.

"Well, I haven't really given much thought to names yet." I trailed off, watching as Isabelle listened eagerly to every word I spoke.

"Even if it's still like, 8 months away, I think we should start buying clothes, and furniture, and-" Isabelle began, but I cut her off.

"Slow down Iz, we've got time." I chuckled, placing the empty glass of water down on the counter.

"It's the first baby that we're all able to feel excited about, you guys, Simon and I, Magnus and Alec.." She trailed off, making me smile at her words.

"Littlest edition to the family, I suppose." I chuckled, hand resting comfortably against my flat stomach, which obviously, wouldn't be so flat anymore in a couple of months.

"You'll be great parents, you and Jace." She stated confidently.

"That's what I'm worried about, Iz. What if I mess up? What if I can't do it?" I questioned insecurely.

"Clary, let's be realistic here. Who's the responsible, kind-hearted one, that simply can't get enough of kids?" Isabelle questioned seriously.

"Simon?" I questioned sarcastically, watching as Isabelle chuckled.

"You and I both know that Simon, not the manliest, but the most kind hearted, wouldn't be ready for kids of his own yet." Isabelle stated, whilst I nodded my head in agreement.

"You're probably right." I chuckled, both of our laughter dying down after a couple of minutes.

"So, when did this actually happen?" Isabelle questioned, small smirk plastered across her face.

"When did what happen?" I questioned, raising a questioning eyebrow at her.

"When did you and know.." Isabelle trailed off, making my eyes widen as soon as I realised what she was actually on about.

"Isabelle!" I screeched, blush covering my cheeks as she laughed at my shyness, enjoying the fact that I found the topic awkward and beyond embarrassing to talk about.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding." She chuckled, causing me to glare at her playfully, which only made her laugh even louder.

"I think I'm gonna head out for a bit, get some fresh air." I spoke up after a while, getting up in order to put my empty glass in the sink.

"Sure, I'm going to head out to meet Simon, you sure you'll be okay on your own?" Isabelle questioned.

"Don't you start getting all Jace on me as well." I stated sarcastically, watching as Isabelle chuckled.

"He's just looking out for you, same as the rest of us." Isabelle smiled, pulling me into a quick hug which I gladly accepted.

"I know, I couldn't have possibly found a better family, and I'm so grateful that this little one will have you all as well." I smiled, gazing down towards my stomach for a second before finally letting go of Izzy.

I said goodbye to Isabelle and grabbed my jacket off of the back of the chair, heading out of the grand institute doors minutes later.

I made my way down the quiet streets, taking my time as I walked, enjoying the silence and the warm breeze.

I wasn't heading towards a certain place nor a certain direction, I just felt the need to get out of the institute, enjoy the fresh air and clear my mind.

I continued to walk down the side street, deciding I'd stop by the supermarket in order to buy Alec a new pack of fruit, since I sort of ruined his last pack of blueberries..

I entered the small shop and headed towards the fruit section, eyes scanning the area for what I was looking for.

The shop seemed empty as I walked through the halls, but somehow, I felt as if I were being watched, maybe even followed.

I grabbed what I needed and headed over to the pay, getting out of there as soon as possible.

I walked back down the pavement at a fast pace, but I stopped soon enough, when dizziness suddenly overcome.

I glanced around frantically, but the streets seemed to be deserted. I reached my hand up and rubbed my temple, screwing my eyes shut as I attempted to overcome the feeling.

"What did I tell you about being careful and resting, Clary?" The voice startled me, but I'd honestly never been so happy to see this person in all my life.

"Magnus.." I sighed in relief, taking a step towards the warlock as I almost tripped over my own feet, but he was quick to catch me, arms wrapping around my waist as he held me up.

"You're really not good at the whole 'oh I'm pregnant and I need to be more careful' thing, are you darling?" Magnus questioned, making me chuckle tiredly at his words.

"I guess not.." I trailed off, gripping onto his glittery jacket whilst he held me securely.

"Come on, let's get you back to the institute. The place seems to be crawling with demons today, what are you even doing out?" Magnus questioned, arm wrapped around me incase I fell as we walked.

"I wanted some fresh air, and I also wanted to buy Alec some blueberries." I chuckled quietly, holding up the plastic bag which Magnus simply smiled at.

"Are they not back from Idris yet?" Magnus questioned as we walked back to the institute.

"No, they'll either be back tonight or tomorrow morning. I expect they'll be back tomorrow, I mean it's the Clave we're talking about, they never get anything done on time." I spoke.

"You're probably right." Magnus chuckled, arms gripping onto me tighter as we walked up the stone steps of the institute.

"Can you do me a favour?" I questioned as we walked through the doors.

"Of course, Clary." Magnus nodded, eyebrow raised as he stared at me with a questioning look on his face.

"Please don't tell anyone about this, especially Jace. It'll only make him worry for no reason.." I sighed, staring at Magnus with pleading eyes.

"You have my word. But please, can you do me a favour?" He questioned, whilst I nodded in response.

"Please, Clary, for the love of Raziel, be more careful. I remind you that you're carrying a baby inside you, so please, don't go out alone when you clearly aren't feeling well?" He questioned, making me smile at him.

"I was fine when I left, I just felt dizzy all of a sudden. But yes, I promise." I smiled, pulling the warlock into a quick hug before waving goodbye.

Isabelle wouldn't be back for a couple hours, so I decided to simply head upstairs and rest for a while.

I headed into mine and Jace's room and shrugged my jacket off, walking over to lay down on Jace's side of the bed, like I usually tended to do when he wasn't here.

Laying comfortably under the covers, sleep took over before I even had a chance to notice the lurking shadow that stood at the entrance of the room.

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