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This is the cutest goddamned thing I've ever written, you may proceed..

"Cords baby, you can't eat that, it's yucky." Alec spoke as he placed the giggling ten month old on his hip, taking away the stele she'd previously been trying to chew.

"Here, have this instead." Alec cooed, holding a clear rubber dummy up for his niece, but she quickly nocked it out of his hands, flailing her own around whilst Alec sighed in defeat.

"I think someone needs a nap." Isabelle chuckled as she approached the pair, chest heaving as she placed her training blade down whilst she watched Alec handle their niece with an incredible amount of care and patience.

"Someone definitely needs a nap." Alec agreed in response, placing the fussing baby over his shoulder as he carefully began to rub her back.

The huge wooden doors to the training room flew open a few short seconds later, startling Alec, Izzy, little Cordelia and even Simon.

"I'm so sorry we took so long, it was hectic downtown." Clary entered the training room doors with Jace following closely by her side, both their hands occupied with several grocery bags.

"Please tell me you got takeaway. Because I, for one, am starving." Magnus piped up, examining his chipped black nail polish whilst he spoke.

"It's your lucky day warlock, we thought everyone would be hungry so we bought lunch, our treat." Jace stated, setting the takeaway food bags on the table, quickly making his way over towards his daughter once he set the stuff down.

"There's my girl! How's she been?" Jace questioned whilst Alec handed Cordelia over, cuddling his daughter into his chest whilst he stared at his parabatai with questioning eyes.

"She's been fine, worn herself out though, definitely needs a nap." Alec chuckled, gently brushing his hand over the baby's barely viewable amount of red hair that she'd inherited from her mother.

"I'll put her down whilst you lot get stuck into the food." Clary offered, handing the bags over to Simon and Isabelle before making her way over towards both me and Alec.

"I'll take care of Cords, you go have a rest and start the food with everyone else." Jace answered im return, gently placing a kiss on his daughter's forehead, cradling her comfortably against his chest.

"I'll be back in a few minutes, don't eat all of the food." Jace pointed a warning finger towards his parabatais lover, glaring playfully whilst Magnus held his hands up in surrender.

As soon as Jace began to make his way over towards the doors, Cordelia began to fuss, reaching both hands over her daddy's shoulder as she began to cry out in protest.

"Hey hey, shh what's wrong baby?" Jace questioned in confusion as tears began to stream down her rosy cheeks, watching as she stared over at Alec with glossy eyes.

"You wanna go see uncle Alec before nap time?" Jace cooed, chuckling quietly as his daughters cries cut off the second he began walking back towards the group that were currently sorting through the takeaway food.

"There's no way she's going down with all of the commotion going on here." Jace informed as he readjusted the now smiling child that was giggling quietly at the faces Simon was pulling at her.

"She's usually fine to go down at this time." Clary mumbled in confusion, setting her plate down onto the table before heading over towards her husband and daughter, a confused look plastered across her face.

"Come here babes." Clary smiled at the sight, opening her arms for the beautiful little girl that had inherited Jace's golden eyes accompanied by Clary's curly red hair.

Jace gently handed Cordelia over to Clary, smiling at the pair before he made his way towards the table in order to grab some much needed food.

"Won't she sleep?" Isabelle piped up as Jace began to dish up some food for himself, swallowing her mouthful before speaking up.

"Not a chance, she's just way too restless." Jace chuckled in reply, leaning against the table next to Isabelle as the pair watched Clary try and rock the baby to sleep, but Cordelia seemed to be having none of it.

"Are you sure she's been okay with you lot today? Hasn't acted up or anything?" Jace questioned curiously, earning pensive looks off of both Alec and Isabelle before they replied.

"No, she's been perfectly fine-The stele." Isabelle had began to answer, but she was soon cut off by her older brother, a look of realisation settling across his face.

"What stele?" Jace questioned in confusion, watching as Alec set his plate down in order to retrieve his stele from the belt that hung loosely around his waist.

"She's been playing with my stele all day, but I took it off of her when she tried to put it into her mouth, might be the reason she doesn't want to leave the training room." Alec shrugged, making his way towards Clary and the fussy baby she continued to try and settle.

"What's this Cords?" Alec cooed at his niece, gaining her attention within seconds.

He waved the stele in front of her, earning a confused look off of Clary, but before she had time to question it, Cordelia's tears came to a sudden stop, and a smile spread across her tiny face as she reached out for her uncle's stele.

"She's got serious shadowhunter blood running through her veins." Simon spoke, nodding his head at the sight whilst everyone stared at the baby.

"We're going to have to get her her own, if it's the only thing she'll settle with." Clary chuckled, attempting to rock her daughter once again; and this time, it worked.

Everyone watched with loving eyes as Cordelia cuddled into her mothers arms, small hands gripping the stele tightly against her clothed chest as her tired eyes began to close.

"You nephilim and your toys, can't go without them." Magnus smiled playfully, earning quiet chuckles off of everyone else, being careful as to not disturb the now soundlessly sleeping baby.

Jace made his way towards Clary, wrapping his arm loosely around her short frame, staring down with an endless amount of love and admiration at the little girl that he was incredibly proud to call his, and also Clary's.

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