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Almost an hour had passed since Magnus arrived, and Clary still hadn't woken up.

"Magnus, are you sure she's alright?" I questioned worriedly, watching as Clary lay fast asleep in the same position we'd placed her in an hour ago.

"Simon, quit worrying. She'll be-" Magnus began to speak, but he quit talking as soon as he heard Clary stir, inmediately reaching out to grasp her free hand.

"C'mon Clary.." I mumbled in encouragement, watching as she gripped onto both mine and Magnus' hands, slowly pulling herself up.

"Wow, easy there missy." Magnus warned, helping her sit up as she struggled.

"What..what happened?" She questioned, staring back and forth between myself and Magnus, a confused expression covering her pale face.

"Clary, we-" Magnus began to speak, but she cut him off, grasping ahold of his forearm as she pulled herself up, eyes widening as she ran towards the bathroom.

Both Magnus and I ran after her, kneeling down beside Clary as she threw up whatever substance was left in her stomach, gently rubbing her back as I held her hair in a makeshift ponytail.

"What's happening to me?" She questioned worriedly, leaning forward to flush the toilet as she gripped her hair in frustration, tears welling up in her eyes.

"It's completely normal, Clary. It's simply the symptoms starting to show." Magnus stated, staring at her with sympathy in his eyes.

"Symptoms? For what?" She questioned confusedly, whilst I glanced at Magnus worriedly.

"Clary, you're..pregnant." Magnus breathed out, watching as Clary turned paler than ever, her eyes widening as her body went completely still.

"P-pregnant?" She stuttered, staring back and forth between me and Magnus.

"Yes, Clary. You know, when a couple are in love they kind of-" I began to explain, earning a smack on the arm off of her.

"I know what it is, you idiot." She chuckled lightly through her tears, reaching up to wipe her eyes.

"'re alright?" Magnus questioned worriedly, placing a comforting hand on Clary's shoulder.

"I'm not entirely sure how I feel." She breathed out, gaze falling down onto the tiled bathroom floor.

"Well first things first, why don't you freshen up, and we'll wait outside and get you a glass of water, yeah?" Magnus questioned, earning a nod off of Clary.

I helped her up, pulling her into a gentle hug for a short while, letting her go as I followed Magnus out of the bathroom.

"How do you think she took it?" I questioned quietly, shutting the bathroom door behind us as we walked into the kitchen.

"I think she'll be alright, actually." Magnus nodded approvingly, grabbing a glass out of the cabinet, filling it up with water.

"Come on, I'll show her the baby's pulse once she comes out, that should help it sink in a little." Magnus spoke, setting the glass down on the coffee table as we waited.

"You can do that?" I questioned in disbelief, earning a scoff off of the warlock.

"Darling, I'm the high warlock of Brooklyn. The real question here is, what can't I do?" He spoke,making me roll my eyes at him.

Clary walked into the room minutes later, and thankfully, some of the colour had returned to her face.

"Come here, Clary, let me show you something." Magnus spoke, signalling for Clary to sit with him.

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