Twenty nine

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"Stay low, for all we know Sebastian could still be roaming these halls." I whispered quietly, earning careful nods off of Emma and Julian in return.

We quietly made our way up the huge staircase inside the institute, blades and arrows at the ready just in case anything happened.

Julian led the way towards the library with Emma by his side, who shouldered open a huge wooden door that stood at the end of the hall, and the sight inside wasn't exactly pleasant.

The three of us made our way into the huge library, which had clearly been turned upside down by who knows how many people since we'd left not even two hours ago.

"We're too late." Julian sighed, lowering his bow whilst he glanced around the room, making his way down the steps as he took in the horrendous mess.

Book shelves had been completely ruined, every single book that the library once contained in perfect condition were now torn apart, pages littered all over the marble floor.

"Check it Julian, check the hiding place just to be sure." Emma stated, staring around the ruined library whist she stood by my side, watching Julian nod at her statement before he headed further into the huge room.

I followed closely after whilst Emma headed in the opposite direction, picking up ripped and ruined pages of books that were literally the only things visible in the room.

"Is it gone?" I questioned as I approached Julian, watching as he bent down in front of one of the runed tiles that decorated the floor, lifting it up with both hands as he set it aside.

"It's gone." Juliann sighed, staring into the empty space that lay underneath us, where the book had obviously once been hidden.

"If he's got ahold of that book, there's no stopping him. The book is so powerful it's actually forbidden to be owned by anyone, even a warlock. How he found out that we had it, I'll never know." Julian sighed, slotting the tile back in place before standing up.

"Nobody knew the book was still around?" I questioned as I dusted by trousers off, staring at Julian with a curious look settled across my face.

"No one knew, only me, Emma, and the kids. The book has been kept in that exact hiding spot since my great grandfathers death." Julian explained.

"How on earth did he find out about it?" I mumbled quietly, furrowing my brow in confusion whilst I thought the whole thing through.

"Come on, we should get back. Clearly there's nothing else here for us to see, he's got the book, and what we need to focus on is getting it off of Sebastian." Emma spoke up as she approached us, earning nods in agreement off of both me and Julian.

"Magnus'll open up the portal, let's get out of here." I stated, taking one last glance around the library before heading towards the door, with Emma and Julian following closely behind.

"It was near impossible for anyone outside the family to know about the book that's been hidden away for so many years, how is it that he always seems to find a way?" Emma questioned with a sigh as we headed back outside, the cool breeze of the night wiping through my hair in the cold wind.

"I don't know, but we'll figure it out." I stated, signalling the pair of them forward as the portal began to open up, stepping in straight after them.

"What time is it anyway?" Julian questioned once we came out the other side on the familiar streets of Brooklyn.

"It's three in morning." Emma answered in return, a quiet yawn escaping her lips whilst we trudged up the institute stairs.

I pushed the door open quietly incase most of them were asleep, but standing in the hall were Magnus, Jace, Clary, Simon and Isabelle.

"The twins crashed about half an hour ago, they're in the room opposite Tavvy and Dru's." Clary spoke up, leaning against Jace whilst she directed her words towards Julian and Emma.

"Thanks Clary, we really appreciate everything you guys have done, seriously." Julian stated, whilst Emma nodded in agreement to his words.

"You don't have to thank us for anything, you guys know you're always welcome here." Jace spoke up, arm wrapped comfortingly around Clary's waist.

"Did you find it, or were you too late?" Isabelle piped up, staring at us with hopeful eyes whilst I sighed.

"No, he took it. The library is completely trashed, from top to bottom." I sighed, watching as a frown appeared on Izzy's face.

"We just need to figure out a way to get that book off of him in time, but right now, I think everyone needs rest." Simon advised, earning eager nods off of the rest of us in return.

"There's a spare room right next to the twins for you pair, go get some rest." Clary spoke up tiredly, pulling both Emma and Julian in for a quick hug before they tiredly trudged up the stairs.

"We're gonna head up, we'll try and sort this out tomorrow." Jace stated whilst Clary nodded tiredly, a worried look settled across her face whilst she placed her hand on the side of her bump.

"We will figure all of this out, we always do. Your baby's not going anywhere, Clary. But please, get some rest." Magnus pleaded, earning yet another nod off of Clary before both her and Jace headed upstairs.

"See you pair in the morning." Isabelle stated, pulling me in for a quick hug before grabbing ahold of Simons hand, both of them following after Clary and Jace up the stairs.

"What is troubling you Alec?" Magnus questioned as the pair of us began to climb the stairs, breaking the short silence whilst I sighed.

"I'm just worried, we've been through something like this once before, but I can't compare this time to the last. There's an innocent baby's life in danger this time, but it's not just any baby, it's Jace and Clary's daughter, she's our niece." I whispered as we made our way down the hall towards my room.

"We'll get through it Alec, we always do." Magnus stated confidently, making me feel the slightest bit better.

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