Meeting Sang

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Dr.Green's Pov
I am doing my rounds with Phil because he wants me to meet one of his cancer patients that is going to be going to Alshey water's as well. She is the boys age and just moved here. He already warned me that she has Autism and only has one leg and arm. God this girl is a fighter. I'm actually really excited to meet her from what Dr.Robert has said she is a sweet heart with a huge heart. We get to her room only to see Kota, Nathan and Silas and Max what are they doing here? Dr.Robert says" Oh hello boys what are u doing here? Sweetie how are you feeling today? Kota then explains that his mom wanted him to bring max back to see sang again because they hit it off yesterday. Sang giggles and says I feel okay. I don't think she saw me until then because she stops laughing and stares at me petrified of what I am going to do. I say" Hi, Sang mine name is Dr.Green and I'm friends with Kota and the others. It's nice to meet you." She only nods her head and start playing with Max again. Kota says" Hey sweetie we are going outside real fast you just play with Max okay?" I don't think she's paying attention to us anymore. We all go outside down the hall a little so she doesn't hear us.
Silas Pov
We were asked by Erica to bring max to see Sang. Of course we couldn't say no once she told us about her. We finally got there and the one thing that pops into my head is aggele mou. She doesn't really talk she only ask questions about max. I'm assuming she doesn't really talk to anyone because she talks to her self and seems to forget we're here. She also is very confusing because she always switching topics and is always moving. But finally after 25 minutes she finally talks to us. I am shocked to see doc and Dr. Robert standing there. We talk then head out of the room. We go back into the room to see her and Max gone. Where the hell did she go! We are all freaking out asides from Dr.Robert. He just says" Again didn't we leave enough stuff for her to do something." I say what do you mean? Has this happen before?" He just nods his head and says" Yes, let's try and find her before she gets herself in trouble. We split up into a group of 2 and three. It's Kota, Nathan and me and doc and Dr. Robert. Dr. Robert tells us to check the Garden area and they will check the offices because they are the places she finds amazing. Please let her be okay. I can see I am not the only one panicking especially since she has been on chemo therapy for the past three days. It has been three hours since we lost her. We all are very worried we have the hospital on lock down. Please let her be okay.
Kota's Pov
It's been 3 hours since we last saw her and Max. We still haven't found one clue to lead us to her! I have been counting non stop. It's not working. We finally split off from each other. I'm really worried about them. What am I going to tell mom and Jessica if I don't find them. I am walking towards this one tree on the other side of the hospital checking over here. I see this figure laying on a dog. I start running towards the figure as I get closer to the figure I find out it's max and Sang. I immediately run and start calling for her. But she is not responding. Oh no this is not good. 123456.... I repeat this over and over until I reach her. I start shaking her. She wakes up and says" What's wrong Kota?" I just hug her. I ask her are you okay and why are you out her. She looks at me in confusion and says" I thought we were playing hide and seek since I heard you counting." I say okay let's get you back. I pick her up and walk back to room. She falls asleep on my shoulder and I call Doc to let him know I found her and she's okay. I explained what happened with her thinking were playing hide and seek because she heard me counting. When he gets back to her room I make the sign to be quite by putting my finger up to my lips. They seem to understand stand so I tuck her in and head outside to tell them where and how I found her. We put an Ivey in her arm so we could rehydrate her.

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