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Dr.Green's Pov
Today pumpkin will be going home. I am happy and sad because she's so cute and funny. I walk to her room to see Silas and Luke there as well. Apparently they went outside for the past 5 hours. Both Luke and Silas look exhausted but sang is still bouncing around. I laugh thinking she has Luke beat for the most energy. She finally sees me and says" Hi Dr.Green!" I say "Hey there pookie how you feeling?"She doesn't answer because her focus is now back on Silas's phone case. Silas hands her the case and she plays with it not even caring that we're here at all but it's okay it's not her fault. We are not angry we're used to it. Luke signs to me that he is exhausted. He even says she out lasted three dogs. I'm shocked to hear that but also impressed. She has lost complete interest in Silas's phone case and is looking out the window. She turns back around and says" Can we please go outside to play?" She has this big smile on her face and is bouncing up and down. I say" Sure why not." I smirk to myself knowing Luke and Silas are internationally groaning at what I said. But I am glad to say yes when she hugs me and start pulling Luke with her. Silas and I laugh and walk behind them. Silas says" She is hyper even Max gave up after 3 hours of playing." I laugh and shake my head. I tell him that she is going home tonight when her dad comes home from work and she'll be at registration on Monday. She says she can't wait and her older sister will be going there too. This is going to be an interesting year.
Luke's Pov
I am completely worn out by Sang. Silas and I were outside with Max watching her play with them. After a couple of hours Kota came to pick up Max. We get back to her room to rest when doc comes in . She basically ignores him until she ask to go outside. Of course being the ass he is he says Yes. Ugh why doc why I'm exhausted. She's has so much energy it's not even funny. She is basically pulling me along. She's so cute and sweet that I can't even be angry or say NO. She eventually let's go of my hand and start running around. I wait until doc and Silas to catch up and have Silas block me so I can hit doc in the arm. We all turn around when we hear yelling. Silas is the first to spot her and we run off to where some nurses are yelling at her. She looks completely terrified and she starts crying. I pick her up and take her to the other side of the courtyard. Silas and doc both are trying to figure out why they are yelling at her. I am trying to calm her down. But she keeps stuttering out I...I dddiiddnn'tt mmeeaann too. I say I know sweetie it's okay. I got you your okay. Finally doc and Silas come back and help me calm her down. She keeps on saying they were too loud. I keep saying I'm sorry this happened to you. Silas says" Hey aggele mou do you want some ice cream before we head back in." She just nods her head. We stand up and give her to Silas to carry. She just rest her head on his shoulder. I whisper to doc what happened and he goes on to explain she ran into by accident and they were not too happy. I nod my head and say" I think she's finally tired from all the running she's done." He only nods his head in agreement and says" She's definitely a keeper." I mutter something back in agreement.
Silas Pov
The whole way to the cafeteria she wouldn't stop apologizing for running into them. I tell her it's not her fault. She says " Your shoulder is very comfortable." I laugh at this and say" Thank you." She says" Am I in trouble?" I say" For what?" She says for being in there way? I say no never it was an accident. She says" Well, mommy says I am always causing trouble." I say you never are causing trouble. She nods her head and says" So how many more are there? I stop and say what? She says isn't there more of you? I say yes I didn't know you knew. She says" Dr. Robert said he know some people the same age as me going to school." I say oh okay well who have you met so far? I met Kota, Nathan,Luke, Dr.Green and you. I say okay the others are Victor, North, Gabe, Mr.Blackbourne and that is it. She nods her head and yawns. She says" I am not very good at school." I laugh and say it's okay I'm not good either.
*******************Monday morning at registration**********
Norths Pov
I am watching out for the girl Sang my brothers have been obsessed with for the past week. I see this girl literally just bouncing on her feet. I immediately know it's her because I hear her name being said from her father saying pay attention stand in this line and do not move. She only nods her head. I pull out my phone and text
North: She is here in line now. I immediately get responses.
Silas: On my way
Nathan: okay be there in ten
Kota: How is she?
Dr. Green: Pookie's here!
Victor: On my way with Silas
Mr.B: Keep an eye on her
Gabe: Is she pretty what does she look like?
Luke: Hot Gabe and almost there
Not even ten minutes later we are all are talking to her. I can tell she is more hyper then Luke Damn it. Luke came home and was out before 9:30 witch is really early for him. She is just bouncing on her feet. Silas says" Hey aggele mou what did you eat for breakfast?" She says" Raisin brand with milk in it. With bacon, Apple's sliced up and orange juice. Why?" He says" No reason" he is smirking in my direction. At least she eats healthy and a lot but she is still too skinny. Dr.Green said it was because of the chemo treatments she has been given. We get our papers and head to the office. This girl is going to be a handful.
Hi I hope you liked this and the next update will be about the first day and what happens.

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