What's Wrong With Her

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Owens Pov
I walk in to see them all really pale asides from darling who looks like she's been crying. I see her start crawling towards us and gets picked up by Gabe who says" Come on trouble time for your bath." She giggles and waves to the rest of us. At least we're not forgotten about. I say " Why does darling look like she has been crying for hours?" I say it in a pissed off tone. North says" When Luke and I came home she was crying for us we still don't know why but she fell asleep. I put her upstairs and came down to see what happened but then we heard this bang ,bam, crash so we run upstairs to see her rocking herself back and forth in the corner muttering stuff to herself. Finally Silas got her to calm down and then we came down here with the puppies. Then you guys came home." I nod my head and say" I'll be right back I'm going to see if Gabe needs any help with darling." They all nod and Sean follows right behind me. We go upstairs to see Gabe getting her clothes while she sits on the bed playing with something. Sean says" Pookie come here and give me a hug." She gets up and crawls to the end of the bed to hug him. She turns to me waiting for my turn. I warp her up and kiss her forehead whispering smoothing words to her. She seems to relax when we all are here with her but she's out because she can't walk yet. We tried to get her a wheelchair but she denied it right away saying no not part of routine. Her and that stupid routine.
Sean's Pov
Pookie says" What's wrong Dr.Green?" I say " Nothing. Just wanted to check on my favorite person." She looks around and says" Who Mr.Blackbourne?" I internally laugh and say" No, you are." She giggles because I am making funny faces at her. I got to say it was pretty hilarious when she got Owen to hug her just by standing there with her arms open. I say" A little puppy told me that a little someone had a couple of nightmares to day when we were gone." She looks at me then at Owen at then nod her head. I say" Pookie can you tell me what it was about?" She nods her head and whispers" About what my mom said she'll do to you guys if she catches you all." She is crying so I pick her up and whisper" No please don't cry it's okay. We all are safe I promise you. She can't hurt you or us ever again." I hold her while she cries. Gabe comes out and says" Come on trouble let's go take a bath then we can cook dinner just you and me. How does that sound." She immediately brightens up and says" Promise. " She holds up her pinkie finger and wait for Gabe to put his pinkie finger up. He says" Pinkie promise." She smiles and Gabe grabs her and takes her to the bathroom I sigh and walk downstairs to where everyone else is waiting for us.
Gabriel's Pov
I walk in to see a upset trouble in docs arms. I immediately knew what would make her feel better. When I promise her she in smiles happily. I put her down and start the bathroom. I turn to see trouble staring at me so interested on my movements. I say " Come on trouble let's get change so we can hurry up so I can do your hair." She nods her head and starts taking them off she says " What about my cast?" Oh shit I forgot about that. I say "hold on" and I get two trash bags out on put them on. She giggles and says" You do realize they gave me a cover for both of them in the closet. Dr. Green put them there." I say " Well I like my idea better because you look really really cute in it." She shakes her head and says" Um, you should turn the water off." Fuck I forgot about that. I turn around to see it is half way filled. I turned around confused only not to see her. Trouble where the hell did you go?! I turn towards the tube to see her in already. How the hell did she do that and so quickly and quietly?! She giggles and says " See I'm perfectly fine without the leg." I smirk and say " shush trouble I'm on your side. We just want to make sure your safe that's all. You can have your freedom back Friday when you get both cast off and get your leg back." She smiles and nods her head. I start washing her hair for her. I use a cup to wash the shampoo out and do the conditioner. Her hair is so soft and smooth. I say" Okay trouble wash your body and then let me know when your finished." She nods her head and starts washing her body. I step out and wait for her to tell me she's finished.
Silas's Pov
I go upstairs to check on aggele mou when I see Gabe waiting outside the door for her. I say" Where's aggele?" He says" Washing her body I did her hair." I nod my head and say" What's wrong?" He says" She wants to be more active but she can't yet." I nod my head and say" I know how you feel just think one more day." He sighs and turns towards the door when it opens and aggele steps out fully clothed and everything. She smiles happily at what she did and gives us both a hug. I pick her up and bring her down the stairs to the kitchen. Once I set her down she starts pulling out this stuff out. She says" Taco soup is for dinner." I was shocked to see how good she is at walking with one leg. But with her parents she probably had to walk around without it as punishment for something she didn't do. She says" Finished it just needs to simmer for a little bit." I nod my head and see her start heading to the living room where everyone is. I pick her up and say " When the others don't know. You can walk when its just the three of us okay." She nods her head and whispers" Okay but then I need you to stay the night and during the day so I can do my own thing." I laugh and say" We'll try."

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