Monday morning's Blue's

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Nathan's Pov
We all meet up at the bench in the courtyard. I am watching peanut coloring. I am helping her color because she asked if anyone wanted to help. She is still bouncing around in her spot. I say" Peanut how much sugar did you have?" I'm actually afraid for the answer. She looks at me and then everyone and says" Lucky charms and bacon with scramble eggs. Why?" No reason." That's all I say because I know lucky charms has a lot of sugar why do they even have that. The bell will ring in ten minutes so we all start to head to homeroom. North and Luke takes her to homeroom.
Norths Pov
I am walking Sang baby to homeroom I say once we get to her homeroom and get her situated" Don't move until I come back for you. Be good and don't worry we'll be back soon and if something happens then push the red button okay sweetie. I kiss her forehead and get up to leave. Please let this day go smoothly.
Sangs Pov
I am sitting in homeroom coloring some pictures for Mr.B and Dr. Green. Karen comes in and she says" Hey sang, I got some more candy for you of your good." I smile at her and say" I'll be good. I promise." She says "I know sweetie I know." We are sitting in homeroom when Mr. Mcmeanie comes in. I immediately look away and do my work like Karen said. He walks over to me and says" Mrs. Sorenson please come with me to my office." I shake my head no and say" I can't I promised to stay in this seat until he came and got me." He tells and me and I immediately get up my lip trembling with shaking I walk with him to his office. He drags me to his office and I start crying even more. I plead with him to let go of my arm. We get to his office and he yells at me and kicks and punches me until and stop fighting. He finally let's me leave and I start trying to go to Mr.B and Dr. Green's office. I am completely lost so I just sit down and wait for them. I hope they're not mad at me. I even forgot my phone and book bag.
Luke's Pov
The bell rings for the end of homeroom. I just hope she stayed out of trouble. We get to her homeroom only to see her stuff and her phone. Where the hell did she go this time?! North texts the others to see if they have seen her. I go up to her teacher and say" Have you seen Sang Sorenson?" He says" Oh Mr. McCoy came and took her to his office a little while ago." I say " Shot!" Under my breath and say" North we need to go now." I don't even wait for him I run start to the office ready to kill that bastard. I say to the receptionist" Is Sang Sorenson still with Mr. McCoy?" She says" No she left ten minutes ago she went to the left and started looking for a Mr.Blackbourne and Dr.Green." I say okay thank you." I immediately start going the way she went with North yelling at me to tell him what's going on? And where is she? I say" Mr. Mcfuckcoy came to get sang during homeroom she left ten minutes ago looking for Mr.B and doc the lady also said she went this way. We need to find her because I don't have a good feeling about this." I hear him growl and says" He is dead but we need to find her he can wait.
Mr.Blackbourne Pov
Can she ever catch a break. We are all looking down these hallways where she could have gone done too. I walk down this one hallway to see her sitting. I walk up to her carefully and say" Mrs. Sang please look up." She looks up and up gasp I say" Oh my sweet little darling what did he do to you." She is silently crying saying" I knew one of you would come. Please don't be mad he made me leave my phone and stuff there. I didn't mean to get n trouble." I say" Shh, it's okay. Let's get to the nurses office. The others are going to meet us there." She nods her head and I pick her up. She says" Karen's not going to give me my candy because I got in trouble." I say" Don't worry I have a chocolate bar for you from her." She smiles and rest her head. She whispers" Thank you for saving me again." I say" It's okay its not your fault." I carry her to the nurses office where everyone is waiting. When we get there she is halfway asleep. When we walk in all the hell breaks lose. I tell/ yell for everyone to shut up because she has started crying again. Great I just calmed her down.
Victor's Pov
Where is she? I am going to kill that bastard if he touched her. Mr.B walks in with a bloody princess. All hell breaks lose finally Mr.B gets everyone under control we focus back on princess who is crying. Mr.B sets her down on the cost next to North and I. Doc starts washing his hands and then started to check her out. The good news is she only has a concession. She soon falls asleep while we head home. It's North, Silas, Gabe and I are heading to my house. She is laying in my lap and Gabe's lap too. I just hope she doesn't have another nightmare because she has been having them every single night. I pray to God that everything happening to her will come to the end soon.

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