Chocolate Chip Pancakes

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Victor's Pov
I am in the hospital bed next to princess on the other side of North. She's been asleep for an hour now and I see everyone else asleep as well. Finally I give in to sleep and wake up from her screaming and crying because of her nightmare. I start shaking her awake and when she does wake up she starts to sob into my chest. She keeps stuttering out apologise for waking us up. I say" Shh, princess it's okay your safe. We got you. Please stop crying we hate it when you cry." She is shaking like a leaf and stuttering out apologise for waking us up and for crying. I rock her back and forth until she is just sniffling. I whisper" What was your dream about?" She says" B..being b..buried a..a e..even t..though I..I w..was t..telling t..then s..stop." We all stare at each other in shock. I continue to rock her back and forth until Gabe says" Oy, Look at this." It's his phone case. She starts giggling because it says " Let's shop until I'm satisfied" with an old lady with tons of shopping bags. I hear all my brothers sigh in relief along with me. We lay around and watch T.V. to try and get her to sleep. She starts wheezing and we know she's on pain so we give her more pain medication and then she's out like a light. We talk quietly about what we are going to do once we get her home again. We all eventually fall back asleep while listening to the T.V..
Luke's Pov
I wake up to see North and cupcake talking quietly. He is trying to get up and make breakfast but she keeps shaking her head no. He said" how about that promise I made you yesterday when you had to get X-rays and an MRI done too." She whispers" No thank you I don't want it." He seems shocked by this and says " Okay" and snuggle back in with her. I say" Hey cupcake what do you want for breakfast?" She whispers" Hi Luke! I make breakfast my job." She frowns at me and tries to get up but North won't let her. He whispers" Baby we are at the hospital still you can't cook her. That's why Luke was asking he wasn't trying to take your job okay. Are you in pain?" She nods her head and whisper" Yes and then can I have fruit salad with fluff?" I say" Of course cupcake. What did North promise you?" She shakes her head no saying" I don't want it sorry Luke and you need to ask North not me. It's not my promise it's his." North chuckles and says " I said if she behaved I'll make chocolate chip pancakes. Apparently she doesn't want it so don't make any when you go home real quick." I nod my head in understanding and think Who would not want chocolate chip pancakes! I never thought she would turn chocolate down.! I walk out in complete shock.
Silas's Pov
I wake up to see aggele mou eating happily while watching cartoons with North and Luke. I look around to see everyone asides from us four still asleep. I say" morning aggele mou. How you feeling any better?" She whispers" Good morning Silas! I'm good how about you?" I smile and whisper" fine aggele mou just fine." I give her a kiss and stretch my muscles. I say" What happened to your little promise to aggele mou North?" I must have done something wrong because Luke and North both slap themselves in the forehead and aggele mou drops her fork and turns towards Luke and North. What did I do?! I say" Aggele mou what did I do wrong?" She says" I don't want it why does everyone keep asking about it?" Oh she doesn't want it or doesn't want us to live because I see her become afraid whenever we aren't near her. I say" Okay aggele you don't have to have it. I am sorry for bringing it up again." She says" Okay" and hugs me she says " I forgive you." I say" Okay I won't bring it up ever again." She nods her head and hugs me again. She picks up her fork and starts eating again she looks towards the T.V. and giggles some more about the show she's watching. That was a close one. I sit behind her while North and Luke sit next to her. She starts to relax and finish eating. She tries to hide the yawn but we all notice it. I see everyone else is awake now and no one has questioned about her bet with North. We make her take her pain and she falls asleep immediately. We start to discuss plans about when we get her home. I say" We have another problem." Mr.B says" What happened?" I say" Do you guys see how terrified she gets whenever we leave the room?" Everyone nods their heads yes. Mr.B says" Let's just let her know we aren't going anywhere without her. Let's make her feel safe. One of us will be home with her along with Corey's team until she gets use to staying with them again. Is everyone in agreement? We all say " I am willing and will obey." Oh what are we going to do.

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