Is She Going To Be Okay?

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Kota's Pov
Mom and Jess have been all over me but I keep them calm because I hate it when they cry but I'm more worried about ten at the moment then myself. I say" What about Sang and the others are they okay?" North says " Raven and Brandon have bruising and a broken leg. Baby girl unknown at the moment." I start crying for her but Uncle comes running in with a relieved expression. We all say " How is she?! Is she okay?!" Uncle says " They don't expect her to make it. She lost a lot of blood and is in intensive care unit. They are still running test. Owen is back there now and in another ten minutes I'll send in Kota because she lost it when she came to and couldn't find you at the site but she's in coma for now." We all start sobbing. No she can't do this to us she needs to survive. North gets up and starts punching the crap out of the wall. The worse part is we don't even know who did it and why. Silas finally gets him to calm down but he is silently crying now while Gabe starts having a panic attack. Luke goes over and try to help him get back in control of himself. Doc runs out of the room I'm guessing to find Mr.B. Our families just watch us in shock and pity. My mom just hugs me whispering smoothing words but I know it's not going to be okay if she doesn't make it. I love her we all do. We can't lose her! I won't allow it. It's my turn to go in to see her. I walk in and immediately start crying again. Man, when did I turn into such a girl?! I see Doc and Mr.B talking quietly to her to get her to wake up. I walk over and kiss her forehead. Doc said that she'll be able to hear and feel our touches and it might actually make her better. I say" Ten I'm right here. I'm okay I just need you to get better. Gabe is really really really upset and worry and your the only one that can make him feel better. If you do then I'll give you any type of candy you want." She only squeezes my hand. I say " Doc! " The nurses and doc run in saying" What's wrong?!" I say " She just squeezed my hand!" The nurses smile and say " We'll go page Dr. Webber. This is good she should start waking up any time now." They leave and doc looks at me in disbelief saying" How the hell did you do that!" I say " I promised her candy." He mutters should have known that would have worked. I laugh and Gabe walks in running to ten crying begging her to wake up. Doc and I walk back to my room and tell the others the news.
***********************5 hours later***************************
Gabriel's Pov
I see trouble all hooked up and stuff and I sob I need her to get better. I can't lose another fucking person in my life. I hug her begging her to wake up. I say " Fuck trouble! You need to wake the fuck up now! I feel a light touch and a whisper " Gabriel?" I jump up and say" Trouble! Shh, it's okay. I'm going to get doc. It's okay." She whispers" Please don't go. Is everyone else okay? Where's my candy that they promised it?" I hit the nurses button and laugh saying " Later and everyone else is okay." The nurses come in and are shocked to see her awake. They said she has a broken arm, leg, ribs and neck." She also has a concussion and a bunch of internal and external bruises. They say" Dr. Webber is on his way just relax." Trouble looks freaked out and I say" It's okay doc will be in her with you along with anyone else you want. And then I'll sneak in some candy but you have to rest first. Do we have a deal?" I know even if she did break the deal I'll still give it to her because this is like the tenth time we almost lost her and I'm never letting her go. She whispers deal and smiles at me. I smile and say " Your safe trouble your safe." Apparently Luke was behind me because he says" Cupcake I think you broke Gabe."

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