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Luke's Pov
I walk in and am completely shocked to hear Gabe talking without cursing. I see cupcake is awake and I smile saying" Cupcake I think you broke Gabe." Gabe laughs and says" Trouble don't worry your get what you were promised." I say" What was cupcake promised?" I smile and Gabe says " Candy." I start laughing seriously candy! North is going to have a fit when he finds out. I go over and kiss her head. She smiles at me but it's weird with the tubes she was talking weird too. The doctor comes in and says " Miss. Sang I'm Dr. Mark Webber and I'm going to take the tubes out now. Is that okay?" She looks frightened and tries to shake her head but winces. I say" Cupcake let me get doc and Dr. Robert. " She whispers " No please don't leave me." My heart breaks at her words. The Dr. approaches her along with a few nurses and she panics on us to the point where she's hyperventilating. Doc and Dr. Robert and Erica come running in. Doc and Dr. Robert both say " Move we'll do it because she doesn't trust you. It'll be way easier and cause less damage to her or you." Erica immediately starts calming her down along with our help. The Doctor finally agrees but stays in her room. The doc and Dr Roberts finally get the tubes out and she's crying from the pain. Gabe and I had to leave because we couldn't take it anymore. But we come back in when Doc comes get us. Erica is just holding her while she cries while Dr.Robert gives her more pain medication.
Norths Pov
Silas and I are watching baby sleep since there are only allow two people in the ICU. We been taking turns watching her. All I think is Happy birthday to me. She wakes up and whispers " Happy birthday North" and falls back asleep. Man those painkillers are strong since she's been out for the past three hours. Silas looks at me and then pulls his phone out. Then says " Shit! I can't believe I forgot. We need to tell everyone else and do something." I shake my head and say " I just remembered too so I don't blame anyone and I have everything I need. We have Sang baby safe and alive that's all that matters to me." He nods his head and follows me.
Kota's Pov
I walk in to see Silas trying to calm her down she's crying and screaming for me. I say " Ten I'm right here it's okay. I'm here sweetie I'm here." I keep saying this until she is just crying. I climb in and hold her. She keeps stuttering" K..o..t..a, k..o..t..a, k..o..t..a" over and over again. I say" Sweetie calm down. You're okay I'm okay. Everyone is okay and safe." She stutters out " W..h..e..r..e a..r..e y..o..u? K..o..t..a. p..l..e..a..s..e t..a..l..k t..o m..e!" I kiss her forehead whispering smoothing words to her letting her know I'm here. Jess and mom are looking at here in shock and concern. Dr. Robert and Doc take out a sedative to calm her down since she can't on her own. Mr. B commands me to stay here with her until she is okay. Jess and mom refuses to leave my side so we decided that they can stay as well as everyone else because she seems calmer and relax with all of us here. She eventually goes to sleep. I look up to see everyone staring at her in concern for her.

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