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Kota's Pov
We all are getting ready for bed when we hear this horrific scream coming from Nathan's fathers bedroom where sang is. We run in to see she is having a nightmare. I shake her awake she opens her beautiful bright green eyes and starts crying. I hold her and rock her back and forth until her sobs turn into silent tears. I whisper smoothing words to her. I look up to see Luke take out his phone case Wonka chocolate bar case it is halfway peeled back showing half of the gold ticket. He hands it to me and I show her the case. She giggles and says" I like this case." We all relax and I say" Sweetie, what was your dream about?" She looks down and says" My recent punishment." I hold her tighter and say " Your safe now you're never going back there. Your going to be living with doc and Mr.B and Victor." She says" I am. Will I see the rest of you?" I say of course you will and yes you are if you agree." She says" Okay." She is really excited about this new information. I say" Are you going to be able to go back to bed?" She giggles and shakes her head no. I look around and see everyone else relax and smile. Victor comes over and sits down next to us and says" Princess do you want to watch another movie." She eagerly nods her head yes. North picks her up and carries her to the living room. We moved her before my mom and sister camels home. I should have known that North would have token her. Mr.B looks at me with a murderous look promising revenge for hurting her.
Norths Pov
Sang baby is still looking at Luke's phone case. Of course she likes this one better but she still have Kota's, Mr.B, doc, Gabe, Victor's and I phone cases. I can't wait to see her reaction to them. Kota warps a blanket around her while we figure out what movie to watch. We finally decide on Car's. She is really enjoying it. Half way through the movie she is fast asleep. We shut it of and put her in bed with Luke and Nathan to sleep with her since they are the ones who found her and is having a hard time. Hopefully we get through the night with little problems. I kiss her head and fall asleep on the floor by the bed. We all decided two sleep in Nathan's room.
Luke's Pov
I wake up to only see Nathan in bed. Where the hell is she?! I wake everyone up to see if they know where cupcake is. They all start freaking out. We run out of the room to see her making breakfast while eating candy. Where the hell did she get that I thought we hide it all from her. She eats more sugar then me. North says" Oh thank god, Sang baby I was so worried about you when we couldn't find you." He wraps her up into a hug. She looks confused and says" Why I'm just doing my job." I start to look around to see the place is extremely clean. I say" Cupcake is your job to keep the house clean too?" I am not liking where this is going I don't think anyone is. She says" Yes everything is my job at home. Why did I do something bad?" She gets this sad look in her eyes and I immediately need to stop her from being upset. We all basically say" No, we are just shocked you don't need to do everything now because we want to help as well." She thinks and then says" Okay." I am almost finished with breakfast. She goes to the sneak door and takes out cereal for us. We finally eat and start to get ready for the day. Cupcake is literally bouncing off the walls right now so we are going to the park for the rest of the day.
*****************At the park***************************
Mr.Blackbourne Pov
I am literally shocked out of my mind with how hyper she is. Luke and Gabe have been playing with miss. Sang. We have been here for two hours already and she is still going. Now she is playing with Nathan and Kota for the next two hours. I say" Let's order some lunch because I know we're going to be here all day." North nods his head and order pizza. We are trying to get her to come eat but needles to say we are failing. Luke gets an idea to gain her attention and come to us. He takes my phone and says" Cupcake let's play on Mr.B's phone!" She immediately takes off towards us. We get her to sit and eat.
Dr. Green's Pov
We have been at the park for the past 8 hours. Everyone is extremely exhausted asides from Pookie. How the hell is she not exhausted she has been up longer then us and done more. We go home and I check her wounds and clean them. Finally after another hour she falls asleep. Everyone asides from us were already asleep. I snuggle up next to her and fall asleep. Today has been a long day. With that last thought I fall asleep happy and content.
Nathan's Pov
We are woken up by her screaming again. I get up and hold her until she is silently crying. I whisper smoothing words and bring her out to get her some water. She clings to me and says repeatedly I'm so sorry for waking you up again. Sorry for causing trouble. I whisper" It's okay it's not your fault. Don't be sorry your not causing trouble. You haven't done anything wrong. Your family is the only ones who have done something wrong.

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