Chapter 1:1p! & 2p!

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New Story~!

The 2p World Has Disappeared And Now The 2p's Has To Stay Within Their 1p's For A While But One Of Them Will Fate To Disappeared First,Who Shall It Be?

Will The 1p Find The Solution Before Anyone Disappeared.


GerIta (2pGerIta)

Usuk (2pUsk)

Rochu (2pRochu)

Prucan (2pPrucan)

Spamano (2pSpamano)


A Home.

An German Home,Feliciano Vargas Is Sleeping In His Bed,Ludwig & Kiku Trying Their Best To Wake Up Feliciano,But Nothing Is Working.

Kiku Suggest To Leave Him Alone For A While & Maybe He'll Wake Up Later.

Ludwig Stayed By Feliciano's Bed.

(Feliciano's Dream)

"V-V-Ve!?" Shouted Feliciano.

The Innocent Italian Looking Around.

"Where Am I?" Asked Feliciano.

He Begins To Cry.

"Luddy! Kiku!!" He Yelled.

He Started Crying On His Knees.

He Felt An Hand On His Shoulder.

He Looked Up,Noticing An Mirror Of Hiself.

"L-Luci-Luciano?" He Said.

"Ciao." Said Luciano.

"What's Wrong?" I Asked.

Luciano Looked Like He Is Going To Be Faded.

"Are You Fading!?" Shouted Feliciano.

"N-No No Idiot!" Shouted Luciano.

"Don't Lie!" Yelled Feliciano.

"I'm Not Lying." Said Luciano.

"Luciano!" Shouted Feliciano.

Luciano Wasn't Expecting Feliciano To Be Pissed At Him.

"Si......." Said Luciano Softly.

"What?" Said Confused Feliciano.

"Si!!" Yelled Luciano.

"Why Now?" I Said.

"I Don't Know!! I Don't Have A Fucking Answer Please Feli! Please! Protect Kuro & My Ludz." Said Luciano.

"Wha-What?" Said Confused Feliciano.

Luciano Didn't Faded But Feli Woke Up.

(Feliciano's Pov)

I Gasped.

"Wait!?" I Yelled.

Luddy Is By My Side,He Looking At Me Worried.

"Feliciano?" Asked Confused Ludwig.

"Lud? Why You Not Cooking?" I Said.

"I Was Worried,Its 9:00AM,Usually You Wake Up At 8:00AM." Said Ludwig.

"I'm Sorry." I Said.

"Is He Okay?" Asked Ludz's Voice.

I Noticed That Luddy's Left Eye Changed Color.

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