She Is Your Daughter

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Chapter 31
( 1 month later )
Finns pov :
Its been a month and still Rachel won't talk to me about Shelby. I feel so bad for Rachel after all this time she's finally ready to have a relationship with Shelby her mom and then to just be turned down like that must really suck . I pulled up to Rachels driveway because I was going to take her out to lunch. When I got there I was suprised to see Shelby with a box walking outside.

"Shelby hi." I said getting out of my car .

"Oh hi Finn. " She said.

"Here let me help you with that." I said taking the box.

"Oh thank you. " She said and we went to her car.

"So you're leaving to New York?" I asked her.

"Yeah I am you know I think Rachels better off without me . She's going to be okay." She told me.

"Yeah." I said.

I shut her trunk and said ,

"Well I wish you the best of luck in New York. " I told her.

"Thank you. " She said.

I smiled and started to walk away when I said,


She looked at me ,

"Yeah Finn?" She asked me.

"I know you think that Rachel is better off without you and maybe that's true but she's also your daughter. She's  your daughter and she needs her mom more than ever now. I know , I know I'm the last person you should listen too but Rachel has had a lot of lost in her life and so have you but she's here now and she needs you to be there for her." I told her.

"Finn I appreciate this but it's too late I screwed up way too much and I can't screw her up , I just can't. " She told me.

"I get it but someone very wise once told me that it's never too late to start over." I told her and with that I went inside.

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