Easter (part 2)

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~Not gonna take up much time cuz I know u guys like reading more than me talking but ya know again happy Easter love u guys~

Edward looked like a prince in my eyes... he was so handsome. was it my eyes playing tricks on me or was it actually him.

I close my eyes and open them. Yep its him. Edward was so beautiful while im in... im in my uniform.

"No. I would like to get dressed." I looked at him and started to walk in the direction of my house.

Edward grabs my arm and looks at me with his golden eyes. He holds my hand and I couldn't help but blush. We walked to my house and it got cold so we walked closer together.

We reached my house and we both walked in. I walked to my room and shut the door behind me. Glad I did cause he was following me. I got in a cute black dress that had one single f/c rose on it with the same color ribbon around me. I put on black stockings and black flats as well.

I opened the door and walked out to see Ed leaning on a wall looking at old family photos. He turned around and smiled.

-time skip to the restaurant-

"2?" The waiter asked and grabbed 2 menu's. Ed nodded and the waiter took up to a table.

The table was low lighted so it was romantic and had a single rose as the center piece. We both sat down and looked at the menu.

"Any drinks for you?" The waiter had his pen and pad out waiting for us.

"Ill take dr. Pepper or root beer." I said and Edward looked at me.

"I guess Ill have the same thing." Ed smiled and the waiter left. Then we looked at the menu.

"You can get what you want." Ed put his menu down and I had made my decision too.

The waiter walks back with our drinks. "Are you ready for food?"

"Ill take a half rack of ribs with fries and mac and cheese please." I said and gave the waiter my menu.

"Ill have a steak cooked medium rare with the same sides." Edward as well handed the menu to the waiter and the waiter walked off.

"Hows your day been so far?" I asked and took a sip of my drink. Edward looked out the window and smiled.

"Been as pretty as you." His voice was so sweet it made me lightly blush. I turned away to hide my face.

"What about yours?" He smiled. I looked back him.

"Its pretty good." We just talked about some stupid stuff Roy makes us do and then the food got to our table.

"Enjoy your meal." The waiter walked away again and I was left with Edward staring at me smiling.

It sorta was cute the way he smiled at me. I smiled back and we both laughed. I have to be sure that my mind isn't playing tricks on me. Am I or am I not in love with Edward?

The dinner was very delicious and we waited for our desert when Edward couldn't stop smiling and blushing.

"What's wrong Ed?" I asked and he looked away.

"I just... I ughh. Dammit. Y/n I love you." Edward holds my hand and the desert gets sat on our table. I look at him with a blank face and blush.

"I... I love you too..." I said but meekly. I know I love him but I don't know what's going on. My heart keeps pounding and my body is shaking. What's happening.

"W... Will... You go... Out with me?" Edward studders out and I smile. I nodded and Edward looked so happy.

After that we ate and he paid for the food. We got up and left. It was cold so Edward handed me his jacket and he wrapped his arm around me and he walked me home. But as soon as we got on my street it started to pour rain. My make up was running and my clothes were soaked.

"That sucks." Edward looked at me and saw I was soaking wet. He frowned and picked me up bridal style and he ran to take me indoors. He put me down when we entered the door and he helped me get dry enough to try and get me clothes off by myself.

"Thank you." I said and walked into my room to change into pajamas.

"Hey... Do you have any clothes it looks like a really big storm and I don't know if I will be able to go home like this?" Edward is right outside the door and I walk out with some big baggy clothes. I hand them to him and he gets changed while I put a movie in and pop some popcorn.

"Thanks do you want me to start the washer?" He asks and gets our clothes.

"Sure." I sit down on my bed and wait for him so I can start the movie.

"There. Now you can start it." Edward lays down next to me and I lay my head on his chest and start the movie while eating popcorn.

Not too long after that I doze off and I fall asleep on him.

~sorry for big delay I lost all my work cuz my phone reset. But I'll write more I promise lol I had about 4 chapter written but ehh I'll rewrite them. Anyway hope u enjoyed. Cya~

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