The assassin alchemist

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-the next morning-

I wake up to the smell of hot chocolate and waffles. I stand up and stretch getting out of bed. I put on my uniform and walk out the bedroom.

"Morning beautiful." Edward coos from the island counter in the kitchen. I smile and sit down at the empty spot with a plate of waffles and a cup.

"Morning shorty." I tease him and he just growls under his breath turned away from me.

"I'm... Not short..." He growls out and I couldn't help but laugh. Then I check the time and it's time to leave. I finish my waffles and take my hot chocolate.

"Bye baby I love you." I shout out to him and he just waves.

"Love you too." He shouts back and I start to run to Headquarters.

-time skip cause I'm lazy-

I walk into my office to put my coat on my chair. I finally understand what Bradley meant by the assassin alchemist. It was just blowing by me. But it's for real... I am going to kill people...

I find a dress hanging on my window curtains and a note with it. I read the note and take the dress.

'y/n this is your undercover dress where it for the jobs and whenever you want to look nice.


I put on my new dress and it's about the same as the other one but yet different. I put the knife in the spot and there is a spot for a gun and a clip. I open my drawer and put my gun and my extra clip in its spot.

I hear the door open and I look to the door. It's Riza.

"Hey y/n I wanted to ask you something." She seemed pretty shy at the moment.

"Yeah what is it Riza?" I walk towards her. She takes off her jacket and sits down.

"I have this secret only Roy knows and my father... And Roy said you could possibly find out what is means." She smiles shyly and then turns around. She then lifts her shirt up and I see it.

"The tattoo..." I say and she turns back around. She seems happy so I smile back at her. "I have it too..." I unzip my dress and show her.

"So what does it mean?" Riza puts her shirt down and fixes herself. I look down and frown.

"We are a key to the homunculi research. If they get both of us then they will use our blood and our transmutation circles to open a door between the living and the dead." Riza just looks down and she stands up.

"Thank you y/n..." She puts her jacket back on and walks out. I'm not far from her. I walk out and go to the library.

My research has come very well. But the one last thing I need know is who are the homunculi and when they are going to need us. And now that I know Riza is the other one we need to protect each other.

"Are you a certified alchemist? Where is your pass?" The guard says and I show my watch. He steps aside and he lets me go through.

As soon as I walk in I find the guy I need to talk to. He is sitting reading a book about water alchemy.

I make a plan to find a few books and trip next to him and "accidentally" hit him with one. It is a good plan to get his attention. Or I could just ask to sit next to him... That's too easy...

"Where are the books on Alkahestry?" I ask the lady at the counter. She points to a book shelf in the back and I walk to it to find a few books.

Alkahestry is healing alchemy so I thought I'd need it a bit. I find 5 books and I start to walk to the guy. I "trip" next to him and one of the books fly's and hit him right in the head. I tumble to the ground and looks at me.

"I'm so sorry." I stand up quick and take the books and put them on the table he is at.

"It's fine. It happens to me a lot too." He stands up and helps me get the last book. "Alkahestry hmm.. you into the nursing field of alchemy?"

"No I just tend to get hurt a lot and furer Bradley said I should study it since there might be another war. I know all alchemy but Alkahestry." The guy looks very shocked. He just sits back down and pushes his glass back up and a glare is hiding his eyes.

"So you are one of the infinite alchemists?" He looks jealous and I smile.

"Yes I am." An infinite alchemist is a alchemist that is basically born with the ability to control the elements of earth. Even the one that is hardest. Lava or fire.

Fire tends to go it's own way and do what it wants. That's why most alchemists who learn fire alchemy they major in it. Such as Roy. Flame or fire alchemists need to have a way to ignite the fire in my case that is just by focusing my energy to either my arms or fingers. Any form of striking will light the fire. In Roy's case it's his gloves.

To be furer you either have to have the highest rank in your major or learn every alchemy there is, Alkahestry included.

"So this must be your chance to become furer? Since you have moved to Alkahestry." He looks at me and I nod.

"I already know it. I'm just trying to make it quicker or find a secret in the pages. This one is like a cook book. People say there is a secret to it but it has yet to be found." I walk to the lady at the counter. I pull out my watch and I leave a number. "Take it out my account I am going to buy this book. And if you say no then take your complaint to furer Bradley." I grab the one book and leave the rest.

"You can't buy that book..." The lady says but I ignore her. I walk over to the guy.

"I'm y/n. I'm sorry for my book hitting you would you like to go get lunch?" I smile and he gets up with me and leaves his books.

"Sure. I'm Elias."

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