Wheres Your Promise?

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-your pov back in timeline of the anime-

"Oh Roy. I hope you don't mind but I would like to pay a visit to my father." I look at Roy and he smiles. Roy walks up to me and Mae's Hughes walks in.

"Yeah it's fine." Mae's Hughes answers for Roy and he hands me something. "It's from Elicia. Give it to Winry. And here's pie for her and her folks."

"Thanks I'll be sure to give it to her." I smile and Roy looks a bit agitated. I just go and pack my desk so no one will bother it. After all I am an equal to the two guys.

-time skip to your house-

"Hey babe. Do you think it's a good idea for just you to go. I mean I know that you want to see your dad but... don't you think I could go meet him?" Edward grabs me from behind as I'm packing a bag.

"No. My father isn't well. I promise I'll be fine. I'll be back in a few days." I kiss him and we walk out the door. Ever since the incident with my freak out I'm not allowed to be alone. So I decided it would be good to 'visit my father' so I can get alone time.

You know there are sometimes that you need alone time. I mean come on.

"What's his name?"


"Oh. I like that name."

"It's ok. I like Shane. And Ember as a girl." I smile and we make it to the train station. I hug and kiss Edward.

"Bye babe. Tell Winry and the old woman I said hi. I love you." Edward waved and I boarded the train.

"I love you too." I say and the train takes off. I wave out the window.

"I miss you already." Edward says and the train leaves the station.

-time skip to off the train and walk-in to Rockbells shop-

It would be nice to draw right now... I mean the view is beautiful. This would be the first time I have to to the Rockbells since the incident... I wonder what she will say about how short my fingers is compared to my others.

I gaze at the horizon as the sun is melting it's way behind the vast environment. The sky is pink and orange almost like the color of my mom's dress she used to wear.

I look back at the road with a disgusted face and spot the Rockbells shop. I run and knock on the door.

"Whoever it is it better not be the short idiot." I hear an old women say from behind the door. Then a blonde girl swings the door open.

"Oh hi. Come in. Do you need anything?" She smiles and waves me in. I smile back and hand her the things I was meant to give her. She sees my fingers and takes a hold of it.

"This is my old work. It's so flimsy... let me have a look you need a new one anyway." She puts everything down and takes me to her work room. I sit down and she talks to me.

"I thought I recognized you. Why do you have stuff from Mr Hughes? You must know Roy and Edward. How is he?" She takes off my fingers and puts them aside. She measures my other hand and gets materials for the repairs.

"Edward is fine. I just wanted to go visit someone. He said he wanted to go but I said it was fine." I smile while talking and she can tell I have something with Edward.

"Well whatever you have going on with Ed you better treat him right. That shorty is stronger than you think." She threatens me with a wrench and she looks at me. "What's your name?"

"I'm Y/n." I look at her and she looks upset. She goes back to work on my fingers almost done with 3 of them.

"So your that girl... the girl who burnt her house down and left so fast after your mother... the police wanted to tell you that they were sorry but they were meet with ashes." She finishes the last finger and puts it up to the connectors.

"Yeah... I came to visit my father..." I looked at my fingers and she nodded. Winry then clicked it in and pain throbbed up my arm then soon enough my hand back in business.

"Well you don't have a place to stay so you can stay here. The charge is nothing since I gave me all these goodies from Hughes. How's central city?" She shows me to my room and sits down next to me on the bed.

"It's nice. Better than here." I laugh a bit. "I can tell something fishy is happening though. I'd be careful if I were you. You being friends with everyone might lead to you getting dragged into this mess." She looks worried. But I smile and Pat her back. "Edward says hi."

"You want to tell me he will say hi for the first time in 2 years and then not come to visit. Ugh." Winry gets up and walks to the door. "If you want I can make you a sandwich."

"Yeah thanks Winry." She smiles and I follow her to the kitchen.

"I'm guessing that they talk about me?"

"Yeah. Edward tells me stories about beef stew and how good it is."

"Yeah. How's Al?"

"He seems troubled. I can tell it in his voice. Not by his body but by Edward. I can just feel it." I take the sandwich from Winry and I sit at the table and eat it as we talk more and more about each other and what's been happening.

-time skip to next day-

I wake up to the smell of bacon. I get up and put on my uniform. I figured dad would have wanted to see me in it if he were still here.

" Care for..." Winry gets cut off as she looks at my uniform.

"Yeah I'll take some." She hands me a few pieces and doesn't look at me. I wonder what's up.

"So your in the military too... please dont die. I can tell that you love Edward. And I can tell your as strong as him... but when the time comes Edwards gonna need you." Winry opens the door.

"Thanks for your hospitality miss Rockbell tell your grandmother I said hi and Edward did too." I walk out the door and smile.

"I know he's gonna need me. But I need him more in my state."

-time skip to cemetery-

I walk down the same old row and find the tombstone.

'Vincent l/n'

I set a bouquet of flowers down and sit next to the grave.

"Hey dad. Are you proud of me?" I smile and look at the clouds. I lay down and close my eyes.

"I mean well you have to be right? I've moved on. I'm strong and..." I start to cry. I couldn't hold it anymore.

"Daddy... promise me I won't die anytime soon. Promise me Edward won't go... I can't deal with someone else gone... I'm afraid I won't make it. I can't even think about mom and the abuse without freaking out. Just promise me... please..." I wipe my tears and I stand up. I grab my things and make my way back to the train station.

I didn't stay long cause I know I'm not that strong. I just wish I knew my father. People say he was a nice and warm kind of guy. That he would help even if he hated your guts. Couldn't hurt a fly. But in the end he was smashed like a fly.

I get to the train station and the train wont be here for another 3 hours. So I decide to take a nap on the bench.

-time skip to waking up-

"I don't know what she is. She's not human. She can't be." I hear a man's voice. I keep my eyes closed and dont move.

"She's so pretty... it's hard to think she's a homunculi or a Camaro. She isn't half animal half human." Another man but with a deep voice that sounds very interested in me. I could feel warmth near my face. I slowly move my head and I yawn.

"Wakey Wakey sleepy head." The deep voiced man says and I look up. I'm tied to a chair and I see the other man with a knife in his hand. There's blood all over the knife and it looks fresh. I find my arm bleeding and my legs scratched up.

So dad.

Wheres your promise?

~sorry for long chapter it had a lot of stupid stuff in it. But hey you guys so far like the story so you won't mind. I'm about to publish the first part of Mae's Hughes x reader if you are interested. Don forget to like this or comment or even follow me for more Edward x reader and the Meas Hughes x reader. And how would you like a Roy Mustang x reader. In the comments please tell me if you like one if not then it's fine. Anyway seeya~

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