Doubt Turns To Confidence

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Its been a few days since everyone has started to work again. Well those who were affected by it the most. We have decided to have a day dedicated to the lives we have lost and we will have a dance to celebrate the good times we had with them. It was mostly to honor their duties and to show how they have changed our lives.

As i sit at my desk everyday i get a lot of responsibilities such as getting new recruits and testing state alchemists. There are others like giving people work and then learning everyone's names. I know the higher ranked officers but the lower ranked... No offence i don't really care for their names unless they are top notch in their fields. 

Its a lot. Even though im sharing it with Roy and Ed. I try to even out the work but in the end... I get the most work. But then again i think about who really deserves my spot. Its certainly not me. Its Hughes. He deserves this way more then me. He is a father figure to everyone even though he was annoying and we all said. If he ever got to be furher we might need to evacuate Central. 

Overall Hughes was the one that would get this spot. And in the end i feel as if he would feel the same way about someone else. Hed want to share the title because he doesn't care for the fame. He only care for his family. His family meaning us and his wife and daughter. We are all sisters and brothers in Central Headquarters because we stand together as one on the battlefield. 

So in it all... I do but i dot deserve this title. I feel like im forever in debt to Central just to have this title. I feel like i will always have to try harder than i can possibly push myself just to repay back  what i have been given. I really don't deserve this title.

I just... I really don- 

"Y/n? are you ok? You look pale." I hear Edwards voice as i snap out of my rant within my head. I nod and i look out the window. Edward comes over and takes my hand and takes me out the room. 

"Are you sure you're ok? I know this is hard on you because you don't feel like you are capable of having this position but... I believe you earned this and that you will be the best." Edward hugs me and i hug him back. I really needed something like that. It helped me feel better than i tell myself I am. 

I guess its time to make Hughes Edward Roy Riza Jean Al Winry and Everyone else that I am fit for this. In my heart I will prove to Hughes that what he said was true.


Just as I turned I found myself running into Hughes. I fall back like usual and I sit there for a moment. 

"Oh hey Y/N. Hows it going?" He scratches his head. I stand up and i wipe off my uniform. I smile and grab my things that had spilled out on the floor and Hughes helps.

"Oh its going good. I mean its only my first week here... I cant really have much of a reflection till the first month. But then again... Its kinda hard..." I look down as i ramble on from my nervousness. Hughes laughs and looks at me as if I had told a joke that really cracked him up. He leans down and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Y/n. I can tell you are great. You will be the fastest most talented alchemist of all time. I can see it. Not ever Bradly has mastered all of Alchemy but you. You are 3 Alchemy styles away from knowing all. You Y/n are someone I look up to even though you are only a state alchemist. In reality... Im surprised youre not a General right now. You are stronger then 3 Generals in one. So dont put yourself down girl. Look at the better things. And here. As a present to make you happy keep this with you at all times." He stuffs something in my pocket in my uniform. He waves and walks away. 

I wish I could think about myself that way... But i just dont see it. I reach in my pocket and pull out a picture of.. you guessed it... Elicia and Mrs. Hughes. I smile and put it back in my pocket. I take a breath in and keep walking to my destination.

~Flashback over~

"Hey Roy. Edward. We should have a speech thing so everyone can congratulate us for becoming furher. " I smile and they nod in agreement. It is a good idea so we can be recognized for our good work. 

"Yeah I like that. We could do it tomorrow along with the dance and the ceremony." Edward stands up and grabs his jacket. "Im tired of sitting in here im going out and getting food." 

"Im coming too. Look after the office for us Roy. And dont do anything in here that will make a mess." I cough and whisper Riza and Roy turns a bright red like a tomato. 

"Shut up about that will you!!!" He shouts and We run out the door before he charges at us. I think being Furher will be fun. I mean aside all the names and beginner work... 

Hughes Im sorry I doubted what you said. I believe you now. I just needed to fall down to get up. And now i realize. 

"So babe, how do you like being head Furher?" Edward asks me and i smile confidently. I grab his hand and he kisses mine as we hold hands.

"I think its growing on me." 

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