We Are Broken...

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Yet all our effort to save Little Edward he died within hours of his first symptoms.

Our hearts shattered forever... And the emptiness the filled our lives. with the presents we had bought him for his birthday a week from now. He would be 2 years old. 

Every time i wanted to be alone Edward would go with me or not leave me alone. Its like he knows ill try something. Even though i am broken i try to live but there is nothing i can do to stop the pain of a part of me dying. 

At night while i sleep i can hear Edward cry next to me. Seems like he wants to be alone more than me...

"we can always try again..." Edward smiles but its so frail and broken i see right through it... He cant deal with the emptiness. I dont blame him I cant either.

"Yeah..." i try to make him feel better by cuddling with him but i just fall asleep before anything really happens. We have been so tired for a while... All of this is too much to handle.

And I am afraid we dont have much time left if this pain isnt gone soon. 

seems like all the tears are gone and all thats left is just depression and a black hole slowly sucking me in and telling me to just end it all. Because all ill ever be is alone... but i still have Edward.

And I always will. I have to be stronger than this. For both of us. We cant give up. I promise I wont let you be hurt... But it seems that i need to keep whats left of the promise.

Yet we feel alone we have each other... till the very end... I wont let you go Edward. 

I promise.

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