The Storm (final chapter)

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I cant take it... The pain... the grief...

I cry every time i think about Little Edward.

"Edward im taking a walk..." i get my coat and put my shoes on, then i walk out the front door.

"Hey wait! Im coming too..." Edward runs out and we walk holding hands. It starts to snow and i look up at the grey sky.

"Its so gloomy... But yet so pretty." I watch my breath as it escapes my mouth in clouds of smoke from it being so cold. Edward holds my hand tighter and looks at me. I feel as if he knew what i was going to do. Only reason I would be taking a walk.

To go to that spot and look out at Amestris and take in the beautiful view.

I start to cry but i hide it from Ed i don't want him to make a scene right in the middle of central. even though it is pretty dark i don't want people to watch me cry.

We reach the spot in which i used to peer out at the view. So quiet and peaceful. The snowflakes fluttering as they make their way to the ground. Such a nice place to clear your mind.

"Why did you want to come here?" Edward sits down on the bench and motions for me to sit next to him. I sit down and look at him. The emptiness within my eyes gave it away. So i stood up and walked to the edge.

"Wait... Y/n please don't... I know it hurts but..." Edward starts to cry. I looked at him and smiled as he got up.

We looked into each others eyes and kissed each other. I guess I found beauty in the broken. even after all of the tears we shed i felt as if he still meant more than anything to me.

I love him... More than anything... And im willing to give him my whole life... even if it brings me pain.

I hold tightly onto him and he moves his leg. I look up at him and notice the feeling of air all around.

Im flying.

no im falling...

But this time its with someone... Edward Elric. My Love... I have driven you to kill us. But I am still happy because ill be with you.

We kiss one last time and then we hit our fate.

Whiteness surrounds me.

"Edward?" I look around to find a little boy walking to me with Edward, they are holding hands.

"Mommy... Lets go and be a family like we always wished." He took my hand and i smiled.

"Lets go home." I walked with them into the whiteness to find our house in our new home.

-well its over... Sorry for the short chapters i have been very busy for the past month. If you enjoyed it leave a like. and if you like both my Edward x readers follow me. Anyway it is 2:22 am and i am tired. and it is currently snowing so I know my brother will want to play in the morning... So I kinda have to go. Again sorry it ended so quickly and all of a sudden. I had fun and i hope you enjoyed it. Night-

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