The Big Day

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-this is about the wedding so this will be short.-

"Y/n!!! Its about time for you to walk." Alphonse shouts and takes my arm. Al is walking me down just like my dad would have but he's not here so... i mean id rather walk with someone than with no one at all.

"Ok lets go." I smile and we walk out as the music started. Even though i didnt want a big wedding almost everyone attended it.

There were a lot of people who cried but i kept my cool for once which surprised me. I looked at Edward and i stood there waiting for the rest of the wedding party to walk out and take their place.

Then Riza came out the last of the party with little Edward in a wagon and he held a pillow which had the rings. 

Riza handed the pastor the rings and sat down with little Ed. Edward took my hands and i cold tell her was going to cry.

The pastor started his speech. "Friends, we have joined here today to share with Edward and Y/n an important moment in their lives. Their time together, they have seen their love and understanding of each other grow and blossom and now they have decided to live out the rest of their lives as one." 

Tears broke through and i still smiled. Edward did the same and Al too. it was as if time froze, but it had not.

I was asked to say my vows. "I Y/n, take you Edward to be my husband, my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our union and love you more each day than I did the day before. I will trust you and respect you, laugh with you and cry with you, loving you faithfully through good times and bad, regardless of the obstacles we may face together. I give you my hand, my heart, and my love, from this day forward for as long as we both shall live."

Edward said his and the pastor said his line once again.

"You may now kiss the bride." 

Edward took me and kissed me. Not just kissed me held on and cried but i did the same thing as we hugged. Everyone sniffled and clapped as we broke from each others lips. Seemed like 5 minutes had passed. But they never really started. 

My life has been moving too fast for time to stop. 

Then the reception started but i had something up my sleeve. I sat down at the piano and looked at Winry she smiled and walked over. 

"You remember right?" i smile back and she nods.

I start to play a song and then she joins in after a minute. It was a song we learned as kids. 

 After we finished we bowed and I looked at Edward. His eyes were wide.

"I never knew you learned piano." 

"Its my favorite instrument. but that song cant be played alone... so your learning it." I smiled and kissed him.

Then lets just say Riza had to look after Little Ed because me and Edward got drunk. 

Then we left for our honeymoon to travel with Little Edward. But we got cut short due to the current start Amestris was in. We needed to help Roy because the plague was taking over.

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