Chapter 0

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It's when the lights go out and you feel something behind you, you hear it, you feel its breath against your ear, but when you turn around, there's nothing there.. ~Stephen King

The dim light provided by the peeling lamp itself flickered uncertainly, and I felt the impeding sense of doom. Of all things, it was the fact of not having light that threatened to send me overboard. Perhaps it was the darkness. There was something to the feeling of not knowing my surroundings, not seeing the color of things as they appear, but as they truly are. The unknown, the silence, and the cold... It unnerved me... and now I was going to be pitted right into it. "Michelle." I croaked, my voice terrifyingly low and stifled. "The light- the lights are going- Michelle? Michelle?!" The room fell into darkness as pitch, dark black swam over my eyesight, taking over any other color I could once see and smothering me. I yanked myself up to a sitting position and scooted till my back was pressed against the bed frame, while gathering the sheets all around me. My breaths were short, labored puffs and they filled my ears with their ragged sound, along with the thump, thump of my bleeding, fearful heart. My eyes squeezed shut on their own accord, as I attempted to calm myself down. See? Everything's alright. Why are you afraid of the dark, anyway? That's stupid. Closing your eyes, it makes it dark. Are you afraid then? When you blink? My thoughts swarmed around in my mind aimlessly, countering each other and failing to reassure me. Of course I'm afraid. Even when I close my eyes, there's always the fear of what's going to be waiting when I open them again. Well, what about the light then? You think monsters won't attack in the light, only in the dark? Everything just led to more questions, more mental battles. Time to try another tactic. Whatever you want to believe is reality. YOUR reality. If you believe you're smart, you're smart. If you believe ghosts aren't real, they're not. If you believe... If you believe death isn't scary, then it's not. And if death isn't scary, then what's there to fear? I opened my eyes, and the way I knew that they weren't still closed was when I reached up and touched my opened eyelid. I wasn't going to freak out. Seven other people were relying on me.

I Survived A Horror Story *unedited version*Where stories live. Discover now