Saving the day!! Part 10

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Lloyd POV:
I feel so happy that me and (Y/N) are friends again....and also it's surprising of what     (Y/N) told me......and it's a nightmare knowing that Lena likes me and that she over heels for me. I don't like Lena. She has to understand. Right now am not up for love now. I head downstairs to the training room and see the others there.

Misako: "Good Morning Lloyd!!"  My mum says hugging me.

Lloyd: "Morning to you too mum."  I say.

Lloyd: "And good morning to you Sensie and to you lot." They all greet back.

Sensie Wu: "Well.....we will be training at least half an hour." We all moan.

Jay: "'s 6am in the morning!!.....don't you think we can at least sleep for that half an hour and then train."

Nya: "Jay......I know its in the morning but we have to train and we have to obey too."  He groans.

Kai: "I mean I agree to with Jay it's seriously in the morning."

Zane: "But will definatly not complain in the morning if it's about flirting and texting back!!!"   We all start to laugh.

Cole: "And Zane....when it comes to flirting and texting for kai...he turns into a hot head..chilli." Once again we start to laugh.

Lloyd: "Hahahaha...guys come on...let's train."  They all moan. And we start our training.

Sensie Wu: "Thank you Lloyd and Nya!! OK then train!!"

It has been like half an hour....that's when we hear an alarm go off. Nya runs to her controller room...we all do.

Nya: "Something is going on at the Mega monster amusement park."

Lloyd: "Well them let's go!!!!"  

Your POV:
I went out with my friend kira, she is a real close friend of mine, she's close friends with me and Nya...but she always teases the ninjas. She's funny, understanding, like Nya. She also knows about my secret love. She always tells me to go to Lloyd and tell him. But I always say am not ready.   Today we went and brought ice creams. And candy's. We was heading to the amusement park. But that's when I see a crowd surrounding in one ride. It was the wheel ride. Me and Kira head over there. But then I I saw someone in the crowd too. Lena.

(Y/N): "Huh...well guess what..that stupid girl lena that I've been talking about, she's here and she's over there."  I say Kira looks back at her then looks at me.

Kira: "She looks annoying and a bitch."  She says smiling.

(Y/N): "Definitely..... By the ways what's going on?"

Kira: "'s it just me or its that wheel seem to drop?"  She says a bit frightened. I look at the wheel...and it's seems to be moving..I see like 2 or 3 people on the ride. I then start to shout at everyone to move.

(Y/N): "EVERYONE MOVE NOW!!!! THIS RIDE SEEMS LIKE ITS GOING TO DROP!!!"  everyone start to run.  But when I look back up at the ride no one else but my hero helping the ones that are in the ride. And the others are doing something to hold the wheel even tighter. Me and Kira back off from where we were standing. We stood next to cafeteria. But then that annoying stupid girl lens stood right next to me and smiled.

Lena: "You must be wondering why am smiling at you." Am getting confused.

(Y/N): "Why?"

Lena: "Coz I can tell that you like Lloyd."

Kira: "Hey you bitch...who told you that." I calm her down.

Lena: "Don't call me a bitch....and no one told me but I can tell the way you talk to him the way you look at him...the way you treat him."  I look down then I look back at her.

(Y/N): "So what....I don't care if you know that, but am glad you you know that there is someone who will beat you in the chase of love." I say confident.

Lena: "well so that you know......I won't let your way that easy....I will do anything to upset you and to make you know he's mine. Oh and so that you know you can't keep your secret forever."  She says so evily I feel like punching her. But I guess Kira feels like killing her.

(Y/N): "And to let you know matter how difficult the way is...I will get to his heart first.   May the best love win!!!" I say challenging her.  She the groans and walks off. Me and Kira just laugh.

Kira: "Well said (Y/N). I lidgit felt like killing her."

(Y/N): "Thanks!! And I knew you felt like killing her, you didn't even have to tell me." I say laughing.

Kira: "She's a bitch!!!! And don't worry (Y/N).....I'll be there to back you up and help you in anything".

(Y/N): "Thanks kira!!" I then hear everyone clapping, I look back and see the Ninjas being thanked by there fans.  Am so happy for all of them.

Kira: "Wow!!! And by the ways your man over there." She says pointing at Lloyd. And what's even funny is that Lloyd caught her pointing and Kira quickly stops. And I just wave at Lloyd and he waves back.

(Y/N): "Shit....he caught you!!!"

Kira: "Damn it!!!!" We then go to the ninjas.

Cole: "At jay....guess who the cat brought in he say pointing at Kira." And they start to laugh. I just look at Lloyd laugh so adorably.

Kira: "Shut it Cole!!"

Zane: "Cole that's not a way to greet someone."

Jay: "Come on Zane it's funny."

Kai: "Yh especially if it's Kira...she always teases us."

Lloyd: "Yh more than once." And I just smile at Lloyd.

Nya: "It's always you guys."  She says looking at them.

Kira: "By the was nice to see you all again. And yes kai and Lloyd I like to tease all of you more than once. And Nya may we talk for a sec."

Nya: "Sure."   They all laugh and Kira, Nya and me walked to somewhere and talked.

Kira: "Nya you know that bitch Lena!!"

Nya: "Damn yes!!" She says

Kira: "Well that stupid wanna be, said to our little girl (Y/N) that she knows about her liking Lloyd and threatened her that she will not let her get anywhere near Lloyd."

Nya: "Seriously!! I hate that asshole!!!! She thinks she's all this and that but don't worry (Y/N) Were here for you."   She says it so seriously and I just smile.

Kira: "But (Y/N) didn't let herself down.."

Nya: "Good!!!"

(Y/N): "Well guys!!! Who cares if she knows the truth....and I know Lloyd is going to have to know about this, and thank you guys for being there for me."  We give a group hug. Nya leaves the ninjas and things out with me and Kira. It was fun being them and also it was great knowing that Lloyd once again saved the day. And of course the ninjas.

Saving the day!!! Hope you enjoyed it!!! And believe me this story will get even interesting later on.

The Next Chapter Will be updated in no time.

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