Lee!!! Part 42

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Your Pov:

Feeling free, I started to walk around but my aim was to go and enter that castle, but in the way I saw many of those bastards, I hid, sneak, and quietly attacked one of them without alerting the others. 

Skip Time~~~~

I finally made it, am right in front of the castle but for some reason the door doesn't seem opened well after all its not any door its a  massive one, but I think its locked inside.....damn it what should I do. I started to look around and I looked behind just in case knowing is there and I look back at the door. I sighed knowing that it will be impossible to try and destroy that door, but even if I do I will alert the others and probably be kidnapped, its the least thing I want now, again.  As I was thinking all this I looked up an somehow saw like a little hole well medium actually, I thought about it and then looked at my surroundings.

I smiled at myself, thinking that I can climb, I've always been a good climber. but why should I after all I can use my airjitzu but I did climb t a certain point then I used my airjitzu, I finally got to the hole it wasn't small at all, I went through the small hole and finally came inside the castle, I carefully and quietly walked, trying not to make a sound just in case these bastards are in here. As I walked, for some reason I could as if feel that someone watching me...I don't know why I have this strange feeling, its weird. but I shrugged it off and focused on the main purpose that I came for. I then heard screaming, I got scared and started to Panic. Gosh who could it be..........wait....no...but.....if its Nya!!!!

I started to worry even more, I slowly started to run towards where the screaming was coming from, I finally reached to it but I found myself in this weird place.....but it looked beautiful at the same time, everywhere in rock walls had crystals, dark blue and blue crystals, they looked so goregeos just the sight of it, I looked at the ground and it was ice underneath the ice it was water, damn I have to be careful. But soon I looked what was in front of me and I could see icy stares that leaded to.......my fathers sanctuary sword. WHAT???

But I swear its safe I mean... no...I need to make sure... I quickly went up the stairs and I slowly walk towards itand stood in front of it and stared at it. confused.

(Y/N): This looks the same, wait a minute. I slowly took the sword in my hands I examined it well and looked at the side of the sword and it said.

(Y/N): And love is my  Destiny,...No I cant believe this this sword is my mothers. I quickly looked at the otherside of the sword and I saw my mothers name. I sighed in happiness and I could feel my eyes getting watery. I took the sword but when I looked back, I saw....

Lee: Hello.. (Y/N), Its a pleasure to see you again.   He says platering an evil smirk. I couldent believe that am seeing this monster. He soons starts to walk towards me.

Lee: I see your taking something that belongs to me, my sweet .... I cut him off.

(Y/N): NO!!! this does not belong to you!!!! This belonged to my parents...but now it belongs to me.   I say so determined and glanced at him.

(Y/N): As  daughter of masters of light, this rightfully belongs to me...and to no one else.  I Could see that lee was surprised but all in a sudden he started to laugh.

Lee: Hhahahah....its that what you think? Just because your the daughter of my worst enemies...you think you have the right to come to me and say that, the sword belongs to you....huh....I don't thinks so.  he says once again smirking at me.   I sighed in anger I just wanted to punch him but before I took any other step I felt some arms grab my arms I looked back and I saw those two immortal army holding me back tight. I tried to break free but it was impossible. I just gived up and glanced at him.

Lee: Say after all your here...remember what I promised you?   I started to think and I frowned my eyebrows at him not knowing what he meant.

(Y/N): What do you mean?   He came in right in front of me and leaned closer to me and playfully kissed me I struggled and I spat at him. he wiped off my spat and smirked.

Lee: The promise that I will make you mine. After all you've gone way too hot for me to let you go damn it!!!!  he started to laugh evily.   I just gasped and gulped.

(Y/N): You will never have me....and ill make sure that I will disapper you forever its about time you should go....you have lived far too long...and just because your immortal doesn't mean there is no way to destroy...because for me theres is always a way...lee.  He just stood there and glance at me evily and I glanced at him back.   He then took the sword away from me and I just sighed...but I knew I will take it back.

Soon I just ended up once again kidnapped...and locked up in this room.  I just sighed and thought of the ninjas and...Lloyd.

Lloyds Pov:

We walked and attacked some of those immortals, I remember seeing them when I was with (Y/N) and Jack. But all what I couldent stop doing was thinking of (Y/N)...I hope she is okay  all I want to is hug her so tight and never let her go again....I want to feel her close to me......smell her sweet scent...see her cute smile.....her gorgeouse eyes. And I just wanted to kiss her. I miss her so much.

Zane: Guys, Sensie is calling me..i should just tell him the truth.

Kai: Well I guess.     I look at zane as he responded back to Sensie call.  I just could hear Zane explaining everything to Sensie and the way Sensie couldent believe what he was hearing.

Sensie Wu: Okay....but we will come for you and support you...Misako will track you all so we exactly know where you are. And will be there.

Zane: Yes Sensie.

Misako: Hve you found (Y/N) yet??

Zane: No...unfortunately  haven't found her yet.    I just sigh as my mum asks that question..i wish I already found her.   Jay sees me sigh and puts his hand on my shoulder I look back at him and he smiles.

Jay: Don't worry Lloyd..will find her.   He says I smile back at him and nod.

After walking even more weve found ourselves in front of the castle butwe werein front of this giant door.

Cole: Wow....Its real big.

Nya: But how are we going to get inside.

Lloyd: I don't know but there's always a way.

Hey guys I really do hope you enjed this chapter...and well thanks once again for reading!!!!

The next chapter will be updated in no time!!!!!

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