The Party!! Part 4

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Your POV:
It was Saturday and it was already getting a bit late.... I have decided that I am going to go to that party....I might as well sneak in.   I will were a coat and a scarf so they don't see me. Is this a bad thing to do?   I mean no coz I just want to know who the fuck Is that girl and I just want to prove my own eyes if she gets touchy with him or whatever. So I did disguise myself.

(Y/N): "Pls Lloyd don't break my heart?"  I say it to myself and sigh. So I went off and drove in my car. I drove all the way to where the party was in. Once I got there. I came out of the car and went inside. Man it was huge the place. Alot of people. Music. Food. It  looked nice the place. But I started to look around looking for them.
But I hid myself making sure no one would see me. I looked and looked.
Until I found them sitting around this table.   I could see Nya. But for some reason she was looking at my direction then got interrupted by jay. And Lloyd was right there.

I looked until I heard and announcement.

Lena: "HI AM LENA...WELCOME TO EVERYONE!!! AND I JUST WANT TO SAY ..THANK YOU FOR COMING AND I JUST HOPE YOU ENJOY THE PARTY AS MUCH AS I WILL!!!" Then the music came back on. I wonder who's that girl Lena.....she seems really this and that. But then nothing more but The famous girl the guys were talking about....she walked to the table and said hi to them but she just hugged Lloyd.   Gosh it's her. I felt myself  well like Nya would say jealous.

It's been like an hour and I see her all touchy with Lloyd. But I soon get interrupted with this guy talking to me.

Jack: "Hey...enjoying the party?"

(Y/N): "Yh it's cool."    

Jack: "Can you take your scarf of coz I've seen you before and your beautiful!!!!"  I smile.

(Y/N): "No...and by the ways nice talking to you but am really busy...later!!" I say rolling my eyes and then I just find a new place to hide in. But when I did and I looked back over there table I saw something that made my heart drop.
That slut..hugged him kissed him on the cheek then kissed Lloyd real quick.  Even Lloyd was surprised.  Then she walked off but before she went she gives him a blow kiss....and then walked off. I felt so uhhhhh.....I felt tears trickling down my cheeks. And I hear the guys awwwing at him that made me just quickly run out of the place.  I ran back outside. I took the scarf off and took my coat off and left it at the back of the car. So I was just left on with a tight dark blue top on. And tight black jeans and black trainers. I got in the car. And laid my head on the wheel. I tried to catch my breath and calm myself down.

(Y/N): "Why?..why.?  Am sure he liked just going somewhere where I can forget this crap."  I say turning on the car and driving fast. I went somewhere out in Ninjago. And went to this place where is out from Ninjago of course a bar.

I got there and went inside the bar as soon I entered I heard man whistle at me I just kissed my teeth at them. I then went and sit down and ordered a bottle of whisky.
Once they brought me the bottle. I start to drink it. I then stop and breath and put my hand on my head....

(Y/N): "Lloyd...Lloyd...Lloyd...when will you love me? And why did you even do nothing when she kissed you. Am sure if I go to the bounty tomorrow am just going to hear the guys talk about it 24 hours a day. Why?"  I say stressed out and tears flowing but I wipe them quick. I take my hair band off and throw it somewhere. I left my hair out and once again I hear those bastards whistle at me!! Damn it!!!
When I finished drinking I went out of the bar and started to walk to my car. I got on and drove but half way the journey I was in the dessert. And I noticed a car following me. I got angry I felt so angry..I stopped the car at the middle of the dessert.
And got off I saw the car stop and 3 guys came out off the car. Bloody heck!!
They came towards me.

(Y/N): "What the heck do you want?" I wasn't clearly myself I would say.

The guy: "Oh nothing!!! But I would like you to came with me." I raise my eyebrow.

(Y/N): "Am not in the mood right so please leave me alone!!!"  I say wobbling a bit.

The guy: "No!!"   He says coming towards me.   He grabs me from my hips and I try and push him away. He soon try to cover my mouth but I bite his hand. I hear him groan and I look at him not knowing what he could do to me after that. He looks back at me and punches me. It hurt like what I dropped on the ground he then left. I looked at the car go. I then feel blood dripping from my nose and the side of my lip. I got on the car to see in the mirror and yh blood. I soon start to cry.....just knowing that this isn't me......I never go to a bar well maybe my second time but am not like this. I feel like am drunk.

I lay my head on the wheel and think about Lloyd.....but I soon get tired....I then drove slowly all the way back to Ninjago and back to my apartment.   And I quickly wipe of the blood and lay on the bed so sad. Did he like it? Maybe? This is impossible!

Drunk in love!!! Well hope you like it!!!

The Next Chapter Will be updated in no time!!

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