still clueless maybe

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ok so im gonna try and do more than 1 pov in this chapter so dont get confused and read the things in parenthisis


(brittanys pov)

this morning i woke up and didnt regegnise where i was. last thing i remember is being in the guys living rom which isnt where i am now.

i sat up and looked around the room im in. the walls are blue there is a desk with a mac book, and entertainment stand, a flat screen mounted on the wall. theres a black spinny chair that looks fun to spin on ill have to see later, and the bed im in has blue sheets and comforter and pillows. i saw some pictures on the desk so i got up and looked at them. i saw niall in all of them with a bunch of diffrent people. apparently im in nialls room.

but how did i get in here? eh someone probably carried me in here im not heavy. there was one picture that caught my eye though it was niall and someone with blonde hair. i went to pick it up but someone came in the room.

i pulled my hand away and put it over my heart because they scared the living carrots out of me. it was niall who scared me well it is his room so thats not weird he came in here.

good lord niall dont do thati said as he came over to me. he just laughed. "hey how did i get in here last night" i asked him

"i carried you in here you looked uncomfortable on the floor where you actually fell asleep" he told me

"oh thanks but were did you sleep" i asked "i slept on the couch" he said

"why didnt you just put me on the couch its your house and your room" i told him

"because i wasnt letting you sleep on the couch" he told me

"ill have you know i like sleeping on couchs and weres kayla" i asked suddenly realizeing she wasnt here"

"she is in harrys room" he said. "hmmm intresting now where may harrys room in this place be" i asked

"ill show you" niall said back

we walked down the hall and he stopped infront of a door which must be harrys room. "this is harrys room now what are we doing here" he asked

"youll see" i said

i opend the door. "awwww" i said when i saw them. they were both laying in his king sized bed alothough i make it more than it is.

that immediatly woke both of them. kayla looked over and saw harry and face palmed when she noticed he was there and why i said that. not to mention he sleeps in just his boxers no shirt or pants. dont ask how i know that.

she got up and walked over to me. she put both her hands on my shoulders. "you do know nothing happend right" she asked me

"how do i know that" i asked

"well for one im fully clothed still there are people in the house and that would be weird and me and harry are nothing but best friends" she said

"ok how do i know you didnt just put youre cloths back on you could have been really quite and you could be more thanfriends or friends with benifits behind my back" i cleverly said back"

"none of the above" she said while rolling her eyes at me. harry and niall just watched us and laughed

"curly put some clothes on bed head keep your clothes on" i said pointing at harry then kayla.

"i need to take a shower and change someones comeing with me"i said

"well i brought clothes last night and apparently you didnt so im staying here" kayla said. hmmm suspicious.

"i need to take a shower" harry said and left.hmmm more suspicious.

"well since they wont i will" niall said. "yay legos" i screamed running away

"other way brittnay" niall yelled after me "i think im gonna go this way instead" i said while turning around.

he just laughed and followed me. once i figured out how to get downstairs we were out the door.

"cheese its i forgot my key inside" i said "really now how are we gonna get inside"niall asked

" well easy there are 2 ways 1 we go get kaylas key that she most likely has or 2 we break down the door" i said like it was nothing.

"well neither of us can kick down the door so i guess well go with number 1" niall said

"speak for yourself" i said. i kicked the door down and looked at nialls face. his jaw was on the ground.

"how did you do that" niall asked

"well i toke karate most of my life you lean some stuff there" i answerd him. i walked through the entry way and looked down. "hm i should call someone to have that fixed" i said.

"ya think" niall said

"well you can sit down while i get dressed" i told him and ran upstairs to my room.

i threw on an aztec pettern tank top crop top and white high waisted shorts with 4 buttons. i grabbed my gray van trainers and put them on. then i grabbed my white nerd glasses that are sun glasses and and my purse and ran back downstairs.

niall was sitting on the couch on his phone.

I snuck up behind the couch and he didnt hear ir see me. Which is weird because im not the least bit quiet even though i still want to be a potato ninja or ninja potato.

I ducked behind the couch.

"WHATCHA DOIN NIALL" i screamed as i popped up behind him

"Holy crap brittnay dont do that" he sayed while hilding his hand over his heart.

While i just laughed histerically rolling on the floor.

After my laughing fit i got up and helped niall find his phone because he threw it and lost if somewhere.

"Found it yay go me" i screamed when i found it under meath the cofee table.

I looked at the screen and saw a picture of me when i was like 16 at the beach.

Why did he have this? How did he get it? Most importantly why was he looking at it? He was in the dinning room because he thought it could have slid through the door way and he didnt hear me scream i found it i guess.

I went through the album he was in. It was titled pictures from summer of 2010.

They were all pictures of me and some of him. I couldnt remember that summer because a few moths after that i got into a car crash and didnt remember anything i slowly reganed my memorie but there was nothing to make me remember that summer.

I dont really remember anything that summer. I remeber my fathers death,going to the beach house nothing that happend at the beach house, when i came back and then the crash.

I was so confused.the swimsuit i still have the swim suit. It still fits because i didnt grow much. Point is i still have it if i can find it i could start to remember that summer.

Niall walked into the room and i exited out of the photos before he saw me with it.

I handed him the phone.

"Umm niall can i talk to you before we go back over there" i asked my voice shakey

"Sure brittany everything okay" he asked

"Umm well when i found youre phone there was a picture of me in one if my swim suits on the beach and the whole album was full if pictures if me. Why do you have them how did you get them and why is the album called pictures from summer 2010" i asked my voice still shaky

Niall begain talking "well nows as good a time as any to tell you because you dont remember me here it goes....
Hey not sure if u count that as a cliffhanger but i do so haha. I didnt plan in updateing till tomarrow but u can all thank @disney88 because she crazy well so am i but yesh so o hope u liked vote comment share with ur friends blah blah blah bye.

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