Please read

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Hey so this isnt an update. Obviosly but this is important so if you care please read below.

So my friend hannah's cousin died. her name was alyssa joeshine o'neil.

Has anyone been on twitter or instagram and seenthe hastage #AJO or #ajo or #payingitforward

Thats what its about. alyssas story. this is a brief version of what it is. if you care youll look it up fully.

Alyssa was diegnost with epilpsy last year. her death was unexpected of a sezure the epilepsy caused. she was supposed to go to starbucks and try the pumpkin spic latte but it didnt happen. the next day she died.

Her parents pre paid for 40 pumpkin spice lattes and one each cup they put #ajo

The hastage has spread throughout the world already. gone as far as spain i think.

Epilepsy is often looked upon or ignored so please get the word put about alyssa and go on twitter or instagram and look it up.

Next time you go to starbucks and get a pumpkin spice latte remember alyssa. please it would mean alot to hannah and her family. donate to the ajo paying it forward foundation to if you wnat to help raise awarmess for epilepsy.

Id you read all of that thank you love you. please get the word out and see her full story.

Liv you bye.

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