almost time

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*few months later* *now august 4th*

alot has happend in the past few months. we finishe planning for the wedding and now its the day before.

we're in california now. we are having the wedding at the same beach we meet at because come on how much more romantic is that than having it at some random meaningless becah in london.

we have 2 beach houses rented. one is for me, the bridesmaids, the flower girls, my sisters, megan and maura, juilie, and lou (teasdale).

the other beach house has niall and the boys, greg (denise said she would stay at the hotel), bobby,jacob, and my dad.

josh and matt and melany, denise, tom and lux,alex, and other family and friends are all sating in a hotel thats only a few minutes from here.

i told denise she was welcome to stay with us same with melany but they said they would stay in the hotel. not sure why.

right now were just doing minor preporations for the wedding. no one will let me do anything though. i feel bad since everyone is making sure everything is here and everything is right while i do nothing. but they said i need to relax. because if something is wrong i could get stressed and apparently thats not good for me so i'm in my room that me, madi, and kayla share just watching the telly.

they wont let me see niall today either. i have to wait until i walk down the aisle tomarrow to see him and its killing me they wont even let me talk to him on the phone.

they took my phone and the phone for the house so i wouldnt call him. there crazy.

"hey britt want to see the room for the reception" perrie asked. "yes" i said jumping up.

she led me to the room it will be held in. the ceremony will be outside on the beach but the reception is inside. its being held in the hotel that is just off of the beach. the room is quiet large and all the walls are glass windows so you can see the beach from inside. all but one are full window.

the other one is solid white so no one in the hotel can see in unless the door is open.

she led me to the hotel and we walked into the room. it looked beautiful.

white circle tabes with pink roses in the center. the small pink sparkles that suprisingly niall agreed to on the table that the deserts will be on.

and most normal wedding have the wedding registry book that you write your name in when you get there. we have a tube of jenga pieces and sharpies by the door. you write your name on the jenga piece and put it back in the bucket.

i didnt want my first and last wedding to be normal because thats not me or niall.

we both kinda came up with that idea. (a/n got it off pintrest lol) we decided against having a rehersal dinner because again something no one does its diffrent. plus all the speechs people have i want to keep for a suprise tomarrow.

the table where the dj will be was set up in the cornor. the lights on the ceiling to light up the dance floor.

everything looked perfect. "i love it" i gushed. "it's beautiful" perrie said. we went back to the beach house and everyone was sitting down on the couchs. "everything is done and taken care of" lou said.

"thank you guys so much i couldve helped im serious you didnt need to do all of it for me" i said while sitting down with them. "we know but tomarrows your big day and we didnt want you to worry about anything" megan said.

she's been really nice and helpful. i do consider her as my mum now. but i can't call her mum since she isnt my real mum and she's fine with that.

we watched the telly for a while until we got hungry and orderd food from a chinese place.

we ate and i went back to my room because i felt really tierd. i layed down and started to get anxious.

i somehow managed to fall asleep though.


Hey hey quick update so yep the next chapter is the wedding so yay its almost finally here. i will post it tomarrow. their is a 4 days weekend so i will update as much as i can dureing that. so i checked and there are like 10 left not counting the wedding since that will be up soon. So nothing else to say but commet vote and share with your friends.

Luv ya byeeeeeee.

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