no name chapter

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the next morning i woke up with no one beside me.

i heard water in the bathroom so i got up and threw my hair in a messy bun. i threw on a hoodie that was huge. it turned out to be nialls not mine. oh well he's not gonna care.

i walked downstairs and into the kitchen to make breakfast.

i made bacon and pancakes and eggs. (ew eggs lol dont eat em never have) i plated everything just as niall walked in. "this smells delicious" niall said as he sat down. "thank you" i sat next to him and we both ate. "and it tastes even better" he said eating quickly.

i smiled at him. i put the dishes in the dishwasher and let it run as we sat in the living room. "have i ever told you that you look great in my clothes" he asked randomly. "i dont think so" i said. "well you do you should wear them more often" he said. "as long as were in the house fine cause im not wearing something way to big on me in public" he laughed at me.

"so what should we do with the 4 extra rooms"he asked. "kids of course" i said. 'great 'cause me to" he smiled. "how many" i asked. "uh 5" jesus christ niall.

"woah woah woah lets not forget who here has to go through labor here" i said. he laughed. "okay how many do you want" he asked. "2 or 3 at most labor is painful" i said. "wait you dont have any kids how do you know that"

"i went through health class and i was there when some of my family member had birth and they screamed alot" i said. (like shoveing a watermelon through a cheerio as parm says lol kayla that was funny yet disturbing haha)

"okay 2 or 3 is fine as long as their with you" he said. "you are to cheesy" i rolled my eyes at him.

"but im not having children until im married" i said. its true. i would rather not be pregnent dureing my wedding or have to leave my baby behind because of the honeymoon or to still have baby weight dureing the wedding.

i just noticed we have this whole huge couch yet we still choose to sit as close to each other as possible.

we sat in a comfortable silence for a while. niall was spinning the ring that was on my finger for no real reason. its the bow one he gave me for my birthday the day he asked me to go out with him.

"do you want to go to a jason durelo concert tomarrow night" he asked out of nowhere.

one thing not many people know about me is i love jason durelo. i dont remeber telling him that so im not sure how he knew.

"of course i do how did you know i love his music" i asked. "i dont remember mentioning it" i added.

"i know alot of things about you that you havent told me but that i figured out because in your phone almost all of his albums are on their" he said. "when did you have my phone"

"you handed it to me to decide a song when we were on a plane and listening to your phone i scrolled through the music and almost all of it was jason durelo" he said.

"oh well okay then and of course i would love to go" he gave me a nervous smile for some reason. i have no clue why he looked nervous but i ignored it.

"wanna go out for a bit" he asked. "sure im gonna go shower real quick" i walked upstairs and into the bathroom.

i took a quick shower then i put on a navy blue jumper and flower print skinny jeans. with grey high tops that niall bought me as a suprise. i dont even remember when. i dried my hair and left it natural then i put on a white beanie. i put on my normal makeup which isnt much because niall stole and hid most of it because he doesnt like when i wear much makeup.

i dont mind though i think it's cute.

i walked downstairs and met niall. "where should we go" i asked. "wanna go to a movie" he asked. we got into the car and he drove us to a movie theater that actually isnt ro far away.

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