7 months

24 0 0

niall left a few weeks ago. i guess i have reached the stage of being clingy because i miss him about 20x more than normal which i didnt think was possible. we try and talk every night which usually works but some nights one of us can't. 

just about every day someone is here with me though which helps me a little. kayla went with me to my ultrasound the other day so i wasnt alone. i put the picture from that day in the frame in the nursery that day and sent a picture of it on my phone and texted it to niall because he was mad he had to miss the appointment. 

"megan do you want something to drink" i asked her as she sat on the couch with ellie, kasey and melany. "yes thank you dear" she said. 

i went to the kitchen and grabbed a few water bottles. i gave them to the girls and made our tea. i was carrying the cups to the cofee table when i felt a sharp pain in the lower region. i ended up dropping the cups. "are you okay" megan asked. the pain only got worse. 

"take me to the hospital" i managed to say. 

----------at the hospital-------------------------

"okay it looks like it was only false cotractions" racheal said. "oh thank god" i breathed. i was not ready to have this baby. not yet not without niall here.

"you may have them everyonce and a while they will stop after a few minutes drink lots of water" she said. i nooded. (made that up a little lol)

"you can go when ever" she smiled. "okay thank you" i said. she left and i got up. we got into the car with girls in the back with me in the passengers seat and megan driveing. we got back to the house and i changed into something more comfortable and sat on the couch. "do you want anything dear" megan asked. "can i have a water bottle please there on the fridge door" i told her she nooded and came back a minute later handing me a cold water bottle. "thank you" she sat next to me all the girls spread out. my phone started ringing and it was niall. "hi" i said cheerfully. 

"hey go on skype" he said. i said okay and hung up. "i'll be back in a few minutes" i said and walked upstairs. i answerd the skype call that was on my laptop. "hey princess"he showed up on the small screen. "hi how's tour going" i asked. "good i wish i could be there with you though" he said sadly. "well i'm 7 months so not to much longer they said you guys can have a while off when we have the baby" i said happily making him smile. "yeah megan called me and said you guys were at the hospital what happened" he asked. 

"oh false contractions i broke 2 more tea cups two i need to stope doing that" i said the last part more to myself. "are you okay" he asked. "yeah i'm fine racheal said they might happen sometimes but there is no stop to them so not to worry" i told him. "okay thats good and sucks i guess"

we talked for a bit longer until i noticed he yawned about 5 times in 4 minutes. "go get some sleep i'll talk to you tomarrow" i said. "okay i love you" he said moving his hand to the computer mouse. "i love you to bye"

we hung up and i went back downstairs. 

they ended up sleeping here. the girls stayed in the guest room while megan insisted she was fine on the couch. 

i couldnt help but think about the bad possibilities. what if niall cant make it in time for the birth of the baby. what if he has to leave right after. all these what ifs running through my head. 

stupid hormones. 


hey hey so you guys got me to over 900 in a few days when i was hopeing by the end of the week so im extatic. i wanted to update because im so happy but im sorry its really short but i guess somrthing did happen in it. hope you like it i will update soon. 925 by the end of the week?

vote, comment, and share with friends. luv you guys byeeeeeeee.

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